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Hey everyone out there that is still in the Young Justice fandom! I originally wrote this story in my Freshmen year of high school and I've decided to rewrite it with fresh eyes and maybe, at least make some sort of an attempt to finish the story! Hopefully this one is better than the original Chemical Kid! Anyways not only is this opening a new chapter in my life with rewriting my cringey and marysue-ish fanfiction from high school, I'm also posting this first chapter on one of my best friend's birthday's! So shout out to that loser! Also if you're a fan of DC shows you'll be a fan of her account DarkRed101! So happy birthday girl, thanks for being a constant support system for me and for constant encouragement, especially with pushing me to rewrite this story!


Evie Lester was sitting in her room studying her chemistry homework, which she was failing miserably at. Simply put, none of it was making sense to the short red head. She will never understand what possessed her adoptive father to put her into AP chemistry classes; just because he was a chemist doesn't mean that his adoptive daughter would be a genius at it like he is. 

Evie sighed and rolled partial off her bed, catching herself with the ball of her foot as she stands up. She adjusted her Mario Kart pajamas, as every normally functioning teenage does, and starts making her way downstairs to her father's laboratory to once again, bother him. She lazily walks down the creaky stairs and makes it to the basement door, the door to the laboratory. She opens it quietly, remembering one of the few rules they had in the household 'When I'm in the lab, talk at the door so I know you're coming down.' 

Evie sticks her head in the door and speaks quietly, "Dad are you still awake?"

She heard a grunt come from downstairs, "Huh? Oh yeah, do you need something? Is it the homework again?" He spoke in his gravely 'I'm half awake' voice. 

Evie slowly walks to the top of the staircase, "Yeah, do you have a minute to help me?"

"Yes honey, come down but be careful, we don't need a reenactment of last week's fiasco." He said as Evie remembered how she dropped an entire beaker of acid, burned a quarter sized whole into the ground and proceeded to try and hide it by moving the rug two inches in one direction. But sadly the acid burned through the rug and her plot was revealed.

She turned to look at her dad sitting at his desk typing away at his computer, he was still wearing his white lab coat, and thick rimmed glasses. His pattern baldness was beginning to show, most likely from stress. She put her packet onto the desk next to him. "It just doesn't make any sense, like the formulas and the numbers over the letters." 

Her father laughed, "You mean balancing the equations?"

Evie rolled her eyes, "Sure, if that's what you want to call it. I call it the work of Satan."

Now it was her father's time to roll his eyes, "Evie it isn't that hard, its just a little advanced mathematics."

Evie groans in pain, "Math? No." She flops onto the desk and looks up at him, "Dad, why do you hate me? Why did you put me in advanced chemistry?"

"I don't hate you Evie, I thought you would like doing it. Also don't flop like that again, you might knock something over and we'll die in an explosion." Her father mumbled as he grabbed a pen to show her how to do the equations. 

"But hear me out dad, if we exploded, we wouldn't have to do this." Evie said as she stood up. And this is where everything goes incredibly wrong. 

Her elbow happened to tap the cabinet with about fifty beakers, all full of dangerous chemicals. One ended up knocking into the one next to it, and the domino affect did not stop there. The two chemicals mixed, proceeded to pour into another beaker. The color in the beaker went from a clear color to a dark red. Then the cabinet proceeded to explode. Evie got thrown back into the wall, different colored oils and liquids were all over her body, as they slowly dissolved into her skin and through her clothes. Her father stands up rapidly and stares down at her.

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