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[Okie dokie idk what ima write starting this on Friday 17th. I rlly need ideas ppl please comment what u want to read cuz I hv no clue what to write so yay. Anyway enjoy ☺️]

*Wednesday Pov*

Enid has fallen asleep on my shoulder as we were watching the stars. So I decide to carry her to the dorms. I move her to get onto my back and I carry her. She's still sleeping as I walk. The sky's fully back now and the stars are even brighter. It's currently 2am and it's silent. I open the door to the dorm and lay her down onto her bed. I get ready to sleep and tuck her into her bed and as I leave to go to my bed she holds me back. "Wens can you sleep with me." She says with a tired voice. "Of course cara mia." I say as I kiss her on the forehead and get into her bed.

I readjust getting comfy and hugging my love as I listen to her heart beat and her breathing I hear it soften as she falls asleep. "I love you Sinclair" I whisper as I fall asleep in her arms.

I wake up, and Enid isn't there I assume she's in the bathroom, and as I go into the bathroom, I see her on the floor bleeding out holding a wound. Her voice faint "Wens hel-" She's cut off by her passing out. I run over to her, beginning to cry. Shit Wednesday nows is not the time to be emotional. I need to help her. I rip my jumper and wrap it around her stab wounds. I run out dorm and to the hospital.

"SHE NEEDS HELP NOW!!" I scream doctors rush to Enid I lay her down onto the hospital bed they have brought to her and kiss her as they take her into emergency surgery. I begin crying again. This time I can't stop it. Why. Why was it her. It should have been me. Enid didn't do anything. I wait there outside the emergency room for what felt like days but was only a few hours. And finally a doctor comes out. "HOW IS SHE" I burst out. He looks at me and gives me a reluctant smile. "I'm sorry ma'am. She didn't make it." He said. My heart sank my breaths heavier. I go dizzy and I collapse.

I wake up and I'm in the hospital I look around and remember what happened. I would cry I would scream but I don't know what to do anymore. If you had told me a month ago that Enid had died I wouldn't have cared. But. It stings. It stings more than anything I have ever felt. This hurts more than any torture. I hug my legs and sit there in silence. I don't know what to feel. (I'm cringing rn 😭) As a doctor walks in I sit up normally. He runs a few tests on me and tells me I can leave. I get up slowly and grab my bag.

As I'm leaving Bianca shouts from behind me "Yo emo ass" I look behind me and glare at her. She gives me a look and walks away. I'm not in the mood to deal with her today. I walk slowly back to the dorm with my head down. Not much different from how I usually walk back but in a way different. Very. Different.

I collapse onto my bed and begin to scream and cry. The whole school could probably hear me. I wasn't in the mood to care. I miss her. Fuck. Why's cara mia dead. I whine. Enid not there to comfort me. I feel so dead. Deader than usual. Enid brought out a spark in me. She kept me alive.

I roll over to look at her colourful side of the room. Almost blinding but so comforting. I stumble out of my gloomy bed banging my head on the floor. I crawl over and lie in her bed. It smells of her. I cry more into her pillow, burying myself in her bedsheets. I fall asleep crying. I wake up and hear a bang on the door. I open it to see Yoko. "Hi Wednesday how are you." She asks concerned. She looks at me and notices my poofy red eyes. "Oh Wednesday." She hugs me. And I cry my heart out. I never thought I'd act this vulnerable with someone other than Enid.

She stops hugging me and we go and sit on my bed. "So how are you?" She asks. "Shit" I reply. She let's out a dead chuckle and then stops. The rooms silent but nit a good silent. "I just. Miss her." I say. "I think we all do but we have to live on." She says trying motivate me. "Do I have to live on tho? I should've died. Not Enid. Enid didn't do anything. She didn't deserve that." I say raising my voice. "No one deserves that." Yoko says giving me a comforting smile. She goes to leave and I say thankyou.

That made me feel a bit better but it still hurts like hell. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror to see Enid on the floor hand on wound. My eyes widen I look away from the mirror and onto the bathroom. She's not there. I look back to the mirror. I take a good look at myself. I'm a mess. I didn't deserve Enid. She was to good for me. Then I see Enids razor.

I pull out the blade and look at myself in the mirror. God, Enid would hate me for this. But she's not here anymore. I look down at my wrist. And hold the blade. As the blade touches the skin a single red line appears. God it stings. I push the blade in a little. More blood. I push it in more and more and more. Till my arm has been covered by the blood of the cut. I don't even like pain. Why am I doing this. I scoff.

I drop Cara mias razor and wash my blood off. Its not coming off. Fuck. What would Enid think of me. Whyd she have to die I begin to cry again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My wrist starts to hurt. God damn it. I clean around the cut my blood still coming out. I become dizzier before and I pass out.

[Damn that didn't even take that long I surprise myself. I didn't actually start writing till yesterday so I finished this in a day. Something a lil emo for you today. Hope you enjoyed love ya 😍]

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