awake ish

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[Okay I'm updating more frequently now idk why anyway I hope you've enjoyed this so far and I hope you enjoy this part or chapter whatever you want to call it]

*Wednesday Pov*

I Suddenly awake and sit up. I look around. I'm in Enid's bed. How'd I get here I wonder. I go to the bathroom. I start having flashbacks of Enid and my cut. As I go to open the door. "Mornin Wens." A familiar voice says from inside. I look in and there's Enid. I begin to cry. Not even cry I begin balling my eyes out. I run to her and hug her. "Wens what's wrong." She says concerned as she spits out the toothpaste in her mouth.

"I thought you were dead. I thought you left me. You were stabbed. Your meant to be dead." I say continuing to cry. "Well, I'm alive look at me." She says and smiles. She kisses me on my forehead and I snuggle into her. We stay standing up in the bathroom for I don't even know how long. And Enid finally breaks the silence, "Wensss my legs hurt." She says. I laugh and she smiles. We go to her bed and I hug her.

As I'm lying next to her I feel her hand coming up my back. It's comforting to feel her body heat. She's always so warm. I hug her harder. "I love you." She says as she kisses my head. "I love yo-" I don't get to finish my sentence. As I wake up. Again. I look at my wrists still bruised. Still partially bleeding.

"Fuck." I mumble. Why did I have to have a dream like that. I swear I will find out who stabbed her. I swear in my bloody worthless life.

I text Yoko telling her that I'm coming to her room. And within a minute I burst into her room. "Jesus Wednesday!" She says. "We're going to find out who killed her," I say bluntly. She nods. "How exactly are we going to do that?" She asks. "I've hacked into the cameras in the dorms so we can get a list of names of who was in walking around after it happened.

I pull up the camera footage. And me and Yoko look at each other shocked. "I thought he was dead," Yoko says worryingly. "We was dead." I say. "What can we do though if we say something to anyone they'll know I killed him." I say. "We'll just have to find him I guess." She replies.

We frantically search for him. And we decide to spilt up due to how long it was taking. I walk across town trying to find him. I go into an ally way. And there he is. "I thought you were dead," I say. "You thought wrong." He turns to me. "Why did you kill her. Ajax." I say holding in my anger whilst calling Yoko on the phone behind my back. "You wouldn't understand Wednesday. No one ever understands." He replies. "Turning into an edgy villain are we? I know you have a reason tell me ajax." I say sternly.

"Fine, I guess all killers have a reason. You. You are the reason Wednesday. YOU MADE ME KILL HER. SHE DESERVED ME NOT YOU. AND YOU WERE KEEPING HER FROM ME. YOU KILL ME. I KILL HER!" He says with a psychotic grin on his face. He begins to laugh. "Your crazy," I say holding back tears. "AND YOUR NOT WEDNESDAY??? YOU KILLED ME! WE'RE THE SAME" He says. I can't help it anymore. I begin crying. And I charge towards him. Pulling out the tazer from my pocket.

I run towards him my vision burly from tears. I taze him. Right in the neck. "FUCK YOU AJAX!" I stay still tazing him. "GO FUCKING DIE." He collapses on the floor and I pull out a knife. I'll make sure he dies this time. I stab him in the neck again and again. Till his head is hanging on to his neck by a few threads of skin.

I kick his head to the side and strap the tazer to his heart. I turn it on and his beheaded body starts jolting. "Fuck you. I'm nothing like you. I have reasons to kill people your just a psychopath." I leave his body there and I walk off. I see Yoko and she runs towards me. "Damn Wens. Wipe that blood." She says handing me a cloth. And I wipe the blood from my face. "Is he dead?" She questions. I give her a look. "I'll take that as a yes," She says.

We go back to school. And before I get to my dorm I feel myself falling. Falling but not reaching the floor or whatever is bellow me. I haven't eaten in 2 days. And I've lost a lot of blood. From the cuts. I feel my head throb I look around to see I'm in an unfamiliar place. [Running out of ideas again 😭] I'm in a forest? I try and get up. I can't. I turn my head and see I'm chained to a tree. My eyes become focused and I see. Enid? "ENID!" I shout. The person turns around and turns into a wolf. Fuck it's Enid what's she doing "Enid it's me." I say. The wolf looks at me with bloodthirsty eyes. And begins running towards me. I close my eyes and feel her claws digging into my stomach.

I let out a pained gasp for air. And look into the eyes of Enid the wolf that was shredding me apart. Her eyes. They look. Sad. I lift my arm up and brush my hand on her face. I give her a smile as I begin to fade off. "Wait Wen-" I hear as I drift into a dead-like state.

[Hehe I'm done finally. I actually have no clue what I'm writing at this point. I'm think I'll put smut in the next part but idk. I never know tbh this took like a day and a bit to right so that's improvement. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this please comment suggestions. Okay bye love ya 😘]

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