lee sung I-
lee rang you what
lee sung I took a lucky guss
lee rang you took a lucky guess
lee sung yeah
lee rang mind he's lying isn't he
lee rang okay whatever you say
lee sung wait you believe me
lee rang no I don't believe but it doesn't matter to me am to to tried to argue any way
lee sung okay
lee sung mind I guess am save for now
lee rang let's go I'II show you around the forest
lee sung sound good
lee rang mind I'II just play along for now
while walking in the forest
lee rang this where me and my brother play GO together
lee sung the board game is still here
lee rang yeah
lee sung do you want to play GO I got some stones
lee rang do you always carry that stones around with you
lee sung yeah my brother gave me this GO stones as a birthday gift
lee rang I thought you hate your brother
lee sung I don't hate him I just won't forgave him that's all
lee rang what's the difference
lee sung do I have to explain
lee rang no let's just play
lee sung mind I miss this place
lee rang do you want the black one or the white one
lee sung I'II have the white one
lee rang okay then guess I'II have the black one
lee sung you can go first
lee rang okay
back to yeon and jia ah
lee yeon jia ah where should we go on vacation today
jia ah let's go to your old forest
lee yeon yeah sure that's sound good am gonna give my brother to see if he's free to join us
jia ah must he come can't be just you and me no this vacation
lee yeon but won't he be mad at me
jia ah oh come am sure he won't mind he's your brother after all am sure he'll understand us
lee yeon okay I guess your right
jia ah let's go then
back to rang and lee sung
lee rang I win
lee sung your good at this
lee rang thanks your good to
lee sung let's play a other around
lee rang sure
lee sung I'II beat you this time
lee rang yeah sure whatever you say
lee sung hey don't look down no me
while play they also talk
lee rang so you often play GO with your brother
lee sung yeah I play with him all the time but he would always let me win the game
The Three Fox brothers
FanfictionLee Rang had no idea That Yeon had a Younger Brother and Yeon decided to keep it a secret because of the bad pass he had with his brother so he decided to keep it to himself and not to tell anyone about his past life not even to lee Rang This my fi...