I created an original story plot🫣
"Sir Chen, Ma'am, the sweets you reserved are at the counter." the manager came forward to Zee and Nunew.
"Thank you for your help." Zee said to the manager.
He became familiar with him because he was frequent guest in this restaurant.
"I didn't know you like sweets Mr. Chen, I was surprised when you called."
"oh its my wife who loves sweets and I want him to try your newly released one.
"Oh I see." the manager smiled before excusing himself after a little chat to talk to other customers who just came in.
Zee led Nunew to the counter to pay when Nunew's phone ring. and saw that Its his mother who is calling.
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"hello Mom, what made you called? Nunew asked while looking at the counter display.
Hearing that his mother in law called he tried to get Nunew's attention
"Babe, Do you want to add more ?" Zee ask Nunew.
Nunew was shocked from what Zee had called him. He had to process a few seconds before pointing on the raspberry pistachio tart and the 4 at the bottom.
"Oh you are out with Zee?"
"Yes mom, we are buying some cakes." Nunew answered.
Upon hearing that he is the topic. Zee was thick faced and called on to his mother in law.
"mom, do you want some desserts? we can drop some to you"
"Babe, ask mom what she wants, let bring her some." Zee said as he take their orders that he had paid smiling.
Nunew gave Zee a "you better behave look "which made Zee shut up his mouth but smiling coz he internally love Nunew's reprimanding look.
He saw that the cashier was looking at them laughing.
"My wife is scary right?" Zee joked to the cashier.
Nunew pat Zee's shoulder and chose the raspberry pistachio tart to bring to his mother which Zee paid immediately so they can go on their way.
Nunew was silent inside the car. Zee played some music to lessen the silence inside.
Nunew was shy and feeling surprised for Zee's action. He was all smiles since morning.
"babe, why don't you call mom and tell here we are on our way to the house." Zee suggested to nUNEW.
nUNEW ignored the pet name and called his mother to let her know that they are on their way already to the house as zEE was driving happily .