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Early in the morning, our classmates kept on teasing us-Nat and me, that were dating since it's been years since they saw us going to school together. Nat explained many times that he likes someone, and that is Freen. Yes, he is also a fan, but I'm the die-hard one.

"Okay, class. Please sit properly." Mr. Bie-our professor, entered the classroom without any handouts in his hand.

This is unusual. Mr. Bie can't teach without giving us the handouts first. Is he not going to discuss it today?

"The president appointed me to organize this week's event. Are there any volunteers?" he asked, but no one raised their hands?

Everyone looked at everybody, and no one volunteered. I'm a very busy person, so I can't. If it does include Freen, I will be the first one to raise it.

"Freen and Heng will visit the school."

Without a second thought, Nat and I raised our hands. Our professor's eyes widened when all of us volunteered. Well, he didn't expect that.

Freen and Heng are top-tier celebrities, and everyone wants to meet them in person. My university has so many funds that they can pay the talent fees of the two.

"Since Becca and Nat raised their hands first, they would be the stage designers. Follow me, and the rest of you will do the activity." Mr. Bie wrote something on the board before we left the classroom.

Nat and I followed Mr. Bie to the storage room. He asked us to get anything we needed for the stage preparation and locked the doors afterward. Nat took an empty box and put the curtains, letters, and other things required.

We chose a black and pink theme since Freen loves it. We didn't care about Heng's preference in most of his interviews. He didn't care about his surroundings, unlike Freen, who continuously complimented the staff and organizer who designed and prepared the events.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Nat asked while holding the ladder from below.

"Yeah, get the ribbons in the storage." I motioned him to go, and he obliged.

I waited for him to go back but after many minutes. He still hadn't returned, so I decided to go down and fetch him. Unfortunately, I lose balance, and the ladder falls.

"Becca!" I heard Nat shout, but I couldn't look at him due to my pain. Damn it.

I tried to reach Nat's hand, but he told me not to move because of the risks of causing complications. I attempted to prevent my tears, but they betrayed me. I couldn't help but whimper.

"I called for the infirmary; they are coming now." Nat held my hands and wiped the tears.

It hurts so much. The pain comes from the stuck foot and not from the weight of the aluminum ladder.

I squeezed Nat's hand when I couldn't endure the pain anymore. The nurses came and removed my foot from the ladder, slowly but surely.

They put me on a stretcher, and Mr. Bie came with me instead of Nat. He asked him to finish everything since the event was moved and it would be tomorrow.

"So that means I can't watch Freen tomorrow?" I asked.


One word, but it broke my heart into pieces. I cried out loud when I heard it from him. This was the reason why I volunteered to organize the event. Then after this incident, I was not allowed to join. That's so unfair!

"Rebecca Armstrong, behave. You can see Freen in the future, but today you must go to the hospital to check your fracture. Do you want to be disabled?"

I pouted and looked away when he scolded me.

He's like my mom. He doesn't understand that Freen is my life. If I won't see her tomorrow, when? She's not the type of person who will go to public places. She needs privacy too!

"Can you at least set up a camera so I can watch live?" I requested and used my tantalizing eyes.

"Whatever." Mr. Bie rolled his eyes before calling someone on his phone.

Mr. Bie is a hot teacher. Many of my classmates have a crush on him because he's boyfriend material, but I see him as my dad. I grow up without one, so I think the things he does is just a father's act.

"I told your mother where hospital I would take you. She's on her way."

My eyes widened at his words.

My mom? No! I want to go down now. I want to go back to school. I can walk. I can still endure this. I don't want to see my mother in this state.



There she goes again. Reciting my full name every time she's mad at me. I want to go home now.

"How many times do I have to tell you to take care of yourself? Do you want to be crippled? Do you wish to be bedridden?" She asked the moment she went near me.

I know I have to explain for the sake of my well-being, but I don't know what to say. If she finds out that I'm doing this again for Freen, she will definitely kill me.

"Mrs. Armstrong, I'm so sorry about what happened." Mr. Bie looked at the floor.

"It's okay. I know it's not your fault, but next time make sure that this won't happen again." Mom looks at him from head to toe, and he excuses himself.

"Thanks." I smile at her, but she rolls her eyes. I thanked her for not shouting at my professor since it wasn't his fault.

"Next time, if you want to volunteer for something, ensure you can do it. What if your legs get amputated? Do you want that?"

I immediately shake my head. Mom nods and sits beside me on my hospital bed. I look at her with furrowed brows, but she ignores me. She then lies down and sleeps.

Thanks for coming, mom. I want to voice it out, but I know what will happen. It's fine. She's cute, anyway.

The following day, my mom buys my meal while I'm busy watching the live streaming from our school.

I should be there. I should be the one Freen was complimenting.

"I really like its design. You rushed it?" Freen asks Nat, and he nods.

"I'm with my best friend, but unfortunately, she got sprained while designing the higher part. She's in the hospital right now. She's watching." Nat explains, making my heart jump.

Thank you, Nat! I owe you this.

"What's her name?" Freen asks again.

"Rebecca Patricia." Nat smiles at her, and she nods.

"Thank you, Rebecca! I hope you get well soon," Freen says and waves.

I hug my iPad and lie down on my bed. This is enough for today. I don't know what kind of bliss this is, but my heart is beating fast.

I hope you'll remember my name Freen, when I see you again.

She's a Far-Fetched Star || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now