Child Of The Sun And Moon Final Mission

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As Izuki/Akame was dodging both incomming aircannons and needle tentacles from the abomination while at it she decided to call it Alluzan as she saw a another incomming needle tantacle as she slash it cutting over as she was having trouble for the first time against a demon she was fighting alone against

Alluzan: Oh look the strongest Hashira can't beat us the demon emperor the most powerfull being in existence

Izuki/Akame: And here i thought Katsuki Bakugou was bad with a ego

As she looked up to see a before firing a giant air punch at the roof destroying it as she went to attack using Moon Breathing Combination: Moon Shining Mist Disappearance as she disappear and went to attack from behind as she manage to get a slash in as she vanish again as Alluzan turned around only to get his arm slash of as this time he regenerated it slowly as Izuki/Akame was about to slash his head off only to be stabbed by the needle tentacle as it warped around her sending her flying as she sprint towards him and use Stone and Evolved Moon Breathing Combination: Rising Arcs Moon Justice as she do a barrage slashes while spinning her Nichrin blade around slashing his needle tentacle as she continue until she got suckker punched towards a wall as she manage to catch herself as she begin to breath heavily as she thinks

Izuki/Akame *Mind*: Damn it i can't win as a human in this fight

As she activated her mark and switched from a human to demon as Alluzan could feel power get bigger as they weren't face when suddenly a belt grabbed them as they saw Izuki/Akame having her mask on as her voice sounded demonic

Izuki/Akame: GET OVER HERE!!!

As he suddenly got pulled and when he was close enough Izuki/Akame punched him in the gut as he was stuck in the air in a moment as kneed him in the stomach before spinning around before she kicked him making him spew blood up as she dash towards him and use Water and Evolved Moon Breathing Combination: Frozen Surface Slash as his body except his head become frozen and turned into ice before she slash him in half while in Alluzan head...

Muzan: She is beating us how are we going to defeat her

All For One: Well i have a quirk that can make us both turn into our prime, we can try turn her back into a complete wich will even the field for us

As All For One use the quirk as Izuki/Akame got blinded as she saw Alluzan suddenly glowed when he stopped she saw him have a combination of black hair with white tips his arm and legs have something red coming up off them wich was looking like blood while his fingers was black with a crimson red color marking as his power suddenly exploded and got bigger she for the first time felt a emotion that she havenøt felt in a long time "Fear" as she stumble a bit back while Kurama in her head along with the woman that traied her to calm down but it was kinda hard she felt like how she was before she became a demon slayer, before she entered her grandmothers birth dimension, she felt like when she was back in aldera, while she was frozen in fear Alluzan appeared infront of her in less then a 0.1 second kicking her sending her into a wall as his fingers was send towards her, Izuki/Akame when she was sent into the wall fastly hide herself as she was breathing heavly as breath become more unsteady as she try find a reason to continue until she was pulled into her mindscape where Kurama was looking at her

Kurama: It is time i tell you a story

Izuki/Akame: What is the story

Kurama: Once upon a time i was sealed in a young boy i can kinda resemble you 2 to each other you both never give up, both of you was discriminated for something you couldn't control but most important you both try everything in your power to protect the people you love and care for no matter have happened to you, but that is not the point no matter what i always said he will never give up something and that his ninja way was that he never run away and back down from his word, when one of his best friend left he made a promise that he will bring him back alive no matter what he made that to a person that judged him no matter what but he still kept that promise when his village was attacked he fought until he have defeated the enemy and everyone was revived, he went on to a war against a opponet that was stronger then him and have taken some of the strongest shinobi's during that time wich end up with him to fight a goddess wich he manage to seal her that last ended up with him fighting his friend

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