You don't love me, do you? -Martha Manning and John Laurens (Laurtha angst)

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-Martha's pov-
I asked my boyfriend John Laurens to meet me at the park, I need to ask him something, but no matter what his answer is...I think I have no choice but to break up with him.

"Hi, my beautiful Martha" A voice that I know so well said.

I chuckle and look at him. "Hello John, thank you for agreeing to meet me here on such short notice, I know how busy you've been lately"

He sits down next to me on the park bench and kisses my cheek. "Of course love, I'm so glad I have some free time today, I've missed you so much"

I can't help but frown when he called me love

"What's wrong Martha, why are you frowning, did something happen?" He asked in a worried tone of voice, I guess he noticed I was frowning.

I look at him and softly smile. "No nothing happened John, I just need to ask you something"

"Oh okay, so what's up Martha?" He asked curiously.

I take a deep breath in and out before saying. "You don't love me, do you?"

His eyes widened when I said that. "I- Martha I do love you!"

I sigh then chuckle. "John please stop lying to me and yourself...we both know you don't love me"

"Martha I-" I cut him off before he can finish his sentence.

"John it's okay..."

He tears up. "Martha..."

"Hey...don't cry I've already said it's okay" I say softly.

John then puts his hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry Martha..."

I put my hand over his. "It's okay find someone who you love, you shouldn't have to force yourself to love me when you don't" I say before smiling at him.

He softly smiles back and then hugs me. "I hope we can still be friends Martha"

I hug him back. "Are you kidding me, of course, we can still be friends, our friendship has got to be one of the best things to ever happen to me!" I reply happily.

He pulls away from the hug. "Thank you, Martha"

I smile brightly. "You're welcome John"

He gets off the bench. "Well, I should get going before I run late"

"John, if you don't mind me asking before you run late for what?" I ask him curiously.

He turns around to look at me. "Oh, I'm meeting up with Alexander" I notice that his cheeks turned a bit red when he said Alexander's name which caused me to chuckle.

"Why are you chuckling Martha?" He asks me confused.

I chuckle again before saying. "Oh no reason but um your cheeks have turned a bit red"

His cheeks then turn a bit redder. "O-oh really?"

I nod my head. "Why though, are you in love with Alexander?" I ask to tease him.

His face turned bright red when I said that. "I- uhh...maybe?"

I chuckle again. "You should totally ask him out!" I say excitedly, trying my best to hide my sad tone of voice.

"I would...but I don't think he feels the same way, I don't want to ruin my friendship with him" he replied in a sad but disappointed tone of voice.

I scoff at his sentiment and get off the bench. "John Laurens are you kidding, who wouldn't love you, you're sweet, you're pretty, and one of the best people I know!" (I was close to writing "Drop dead gorgeous" I have no idea why.)

He chuckles after I finish my sentence. "Thanks for saying all of that Martha- but I'm still not sure he feels the same"

I roll my eyes. "Well, you'll never know if he feels the same way if you don't try to ask him out"

He seems to think for a moment before saying. "I guess you're right" he chuckles.

I scoff once again. "Of course, I'm right John"

"Don't get all sassy with me, Martha" he chuckles again.

I chuckle and smile brightly at him. "You should probably get going you wouldn't want to be late to meet your future boyfriend~"

"Oh, be quiet Martha-" He replies before giggling.

My face turns slightly red when he giggles, I've just always found his giggle so cute, weird I know but it's true.

"See you later Martha" he waved goodbye to me before running off.

"Goodbye, John!" I yell hopefully loud enough that he heard me.

After he's out of my sight I sit back down on the bench, placing my hands on my stomach, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "I can't ever tell him that I'm pregnant...with his child" I mumble softly to myself.

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