John's suicide -Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens (Lams angst)

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Two angst one-shots in a row, damn!

-John's pov-

I was shaking as I finished my suicide note. I can't believe I'm doing this, I thought to myself.

"I'm so sorry Alex...I'm so sorry everyone!" I take a shaky deep breath before looking at my gun and picking it up.

I point the gun at my head and...

-Alex's pov-

I happily walked up to my boyfriend's door and knocked. I hope he won't mind my surprise visit, as I was waiting for him to answer the door I heard a gunshot...coming from inside John's house, when I heard it my heart stopped for a second.

"Okay before I start panicking and thinking of the worse...maybe he's just watching a movie!" Yeah, I'm sure he's just watching a movie!

I knocked on the door again but louder in hopes of getting his attention.

I wait another 5 minutes, but still no answer.

I was starting to get worried. "Okay uhh...I'm sure he won't mind if I just invite myself in right?" I open his front door and walk into his house.

"John?" I call out his name. no answer, maybe he didn't hear me?

"John?!" I call out his name louder, but still no answer.

"Maybe he fell asleep while watching a movie...he hasn't gotten much sleep recently." I say to calm myself down since I was starting to panic.

I walk upstairs to his room and knock on his bedroom door. "Hey, babe are you asleep?" I say softly, if he is asleep I don't actually want to wake him up he needs the sleep.

After a minute of waiting for a reply and not getting any, I decide to open the bedroom door and walk into his room. and when I did that's when I saw boyfriend, my love, my everything...just lying there on the floor, not sleeping but dead.

I would've screamed, I wanted to scream when I saw his lifeless body but nothing came out. all I could manage to do was fall onto my knees and sob.

After a few minutes of sobbing, I weakly got up off the floor and walked over to his dead body.

I look at his lifeless face, this isn't the first time I've seen a dead body but this one makes me feel guilty...because I should've known, I should've realised...but I didn't, maybe if I did I could've gotten him help, he could've gotten the help he needed.

"John, my love..." I say softly. "I'm so sorry..." after I finished my sentence I couldn't look at him anymore it hurts too much.

When I looked away I noticed a note, It must be his suicide note...

I picked up the note and hesitantly unfold it, I'm scared that maybe this is my fault...

What the note said:

"I just wanted to start my suicide note by saying, this is no one's fault so please no one especially you Alexander blame yourselves for my suicide, I guess life just got too unbearable for me...I lost my fight but please everyone hold on tight I promise we'll meet again, for the last time John Laurens🤍."

"Oh John..." I say as I turn to face his lifeless body. "We will meet again."

(I'm sorry if this isn't very good I'm still trying to find my writing style)

Words: 552

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