Part 10

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After Abbar the noble finished his daily business, he turned to his men and said, "Now boys, it's time to pay Andok another visit. I'm sure he'll have changed his mind by now, but just in case, well need a stronger man power." With his plan in place, Abbar and his men made their way to the guild.

Meanwhile, inside the guild, Kryge had fallen into a drunken slumber, lost in a dream of his childhood. He found himself in the arena, watching his father take on a magicless opponent. Although the magicless had no right to challenge his father, Kryge's father always gave his opponents a chance to prove themselves, regardless of their abilities.

Kryge's father knocked down the magicless, but instead of pummeling him, he offered him a helping hand up, showing respect for his opponent. "That was a good fight," he said, "you are strong."

After the magicless had left, little Kryge approached his father, confused. "Father, why didn't you beat him up after you knocked him down? That would have taught him a lesson to not challenge you again, he's just a weak magicless."

His father kneeled down to Kryge's level and explained, "Son, you must respect everyone, because everyone is created equal and has their own strengths in their own way."

Kryge frowned in response, "But you're not equal, you're stronger than him. You should show him the reality, the gap between your abilities is so far, he is full of weakness."

"Son, everything is not measured by power," his father patiently explained.

However, when Kryge's father was defeated and killed by a ruthless person, the title of Capital Emperor was taken away from him. As little Kryge watched in horror, screaming and trying to help his father, he was unable to do anything as the guards prevented anyone from interfering in the match.

Kryge was forced to watch as his father's lifeless body was trampled on, with the killer proclaiming, "In this world, the weak like you have no rights. Only the strong dominate."

"Father!" Kryge screamed, waking up suddenly and startling everyone in the guild.

The loss of his father and the abandonment of his mother and friends because of it had left him with a deep hatred for weakness, compassion, and respect for anyone, including women because his mother left them for his father killer.

This was Kryge motivation he vowed to avenge his father and hated weakness and compassion. His goal was to kill his father's murderer, no matter what it took.

Just then, a noble Abbar entered the bar, and approached Kryge. "You want to earn a huge reputation with my help? I know you want to challenge someone," he said.

"I'm listening," Kryge replied coldly.

As the day drew to a close kc and andok working tirelessly, Andok could hear rumors that Abbar was returning with a territory leader kryge by his side. Andok knew that his body couldn't handle another beating, so he decided to sign the contract, despite the heavy weight of defeat weighing on him. "I'm sorry KC, this is your last salary. I don't want you to be involved in this mess. I'm sure it's enough for you to buy an adventurer's card. I hope you succeed in your goals," Andok said calmly and hugs kc.

KC knew that Kryge was coming, and he didn't want to risk another near-death experience. With a heavy heart, he took the salary and walked away. "It's better if you leave now. I don't want you to see what's going to happen next," Andok whispered to himself. KC bowed down before leaving, feeling guilty that he couldn't protect his friend. Andok smiled and waved goodbye to KC before turning back to face his impending fate.

As KC looked back, he saw Andok smiling and waving goodbye to him. Tears filled his eyes as he thought, "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. All I can do is run away."

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