Part 12

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As KC ventured into the fields, he stumbled upon a massive horde of wild boar. These creatures were not to be underestimated - with their large horns and muscular bodies, they were a force to be reckoned with. As he spotted the first boar, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was bigger than he had anticipated, and its sharp horns looked lethal.

Without hesitation, he crept up behind the boar and thrust his spear into its side. The creature let out a deafening roar and turned to face KC, ready to attack with its menacing horns. KC quickly sidestepped the attack and attempted to mimic the movements of a matador using a huge clothes for lure, then plunging his spear into the boar's flesh.

But no matter how many times he struck the boar, it refused to back down. Its attacks only grew more aggressive, and KC found himself in a precarious situation. He knew he needed to end this quickly, so he aimed for the boar's head. The creature's horn moved quickly to protect its face, almost stabbing KC in the process.

Undeterred, KC stepped back and focused on destroying the horn. After several attempts, he finally succeeded in breaking it. In a fit of rage, the boar charged at KC, but without its horn to block his spear, KC was able to plunge it deep into the creature's skull.

As he caught his breath, KC glanced at his quest requirements. "Ten more boars to go," he muttered, eyeing his dulling blade.

In another part of the field, Edgar was on the hunt for a low-level lizard. With lightning speed, he swiftly cut off the creature's head. "Rest well, my friend," he murmured, showing respect to the life he had taken. Edgar then glanced at his mission log. "It's not enough to feed the children, and my magic is running out," he sighed as he shrugged, resigned to his fate. The small piece of bread he had been living on was his only sustenance for the time being.

"I really need to find a party to increase my rank so we can have a better life," Edgar resolved, gearing himself up to hunt again.

Meanwhile, KC was exhausted and decided to take a break. He had already hunted down nine boars, leaving only one more to complete the mission.

Suddenly, the ground beneath KC's feet began to tremble. He looked around in confusion, thinking there was a mini earthquake. But his confusion quickly turned to fear as he spotted a gigantic wild boar approaching him. KC stood up, his eyes widening in terror.

Just then, he heard someone talking behind him. "The Alpha wild boar! Lets kill it Before Someone else might get it soon!" Three adventurers appeared in the vicinity and attempted to attack the beast. "You're mine! Your price is definitely high!" they exclaimed excitedly. But in a flash, the boar swung its massive horn, splitting their bodies in two, KC trembled at the sight of the gruesome attack as the boar devoured the remains of its victims.

Panic rising within him, KC tried to run but the boar noticed and chased after him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't outrun the beast. As he looked nervously at his watch, he realized it was still recharging. He was cornered, forced to defend himself with nothing but a rusty spear and shield.

With a burst of adrenaline, KC tried to run sideways, but the boar intercepted him and swung its sharp horn. He had no choice but to use his shield, and as the shield stuck on the boar's horn, KC took the chance to plunge his spear into the monster. But it was no use - the boar's skin was too thick, and the spear bounced off harmlessly. the boar's skin was thicker than that of any other boar KC had faced before.

Infuriated, the boar tried to remove the shield from its horn, giving KC a chance to distance himself. But the spear was about to give way, and the boar was preparing to attack again. KC had no choice but to defend himself with all his might, striking the boar with his spear. But just as he was about to deal a fatal blow, the spear broke in two.

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