Chap 1: The start

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   I wanted to be a hero since I was 4 or 5 years old. Yeah no shit. Almost everyone wants to be one, eventually i got my quirk, Explosions. My childhood 'friend' didn't get one, so he was considered weak and pathetic. I was dumbfounded when I saw him at the entrance exam of U.A. and even more when I saw.. He had a quirk? I was angrier than ever. I pushed it back and focused on 'being the best'. I won the sports festival, we got attacked, I got kidnapped, they rescued me and now we were on second year.


 "COME HERE DEKU!!" I yelled running towards him. We were on training playing tag you're it with quirks.
 "AAAHHH!!" He screamed running as fast as he could but I obviously caught him. Before he could start chasing someone I hear Aizawa's voice
 "Okay, that's enough! All of you gather up!" We all did what he said and waited for him to start talking again
 "Now we're going to test you quirks limits again." Everyone's smile faded to a 'Seriously? Again?' face.
 "What are you waiting for? Go!" Everyone ran out.

   I usually use the same spot to this training, today wasn't going to be different. Or so I thought.. I kept shooting explosions in many ways, until I tried to make the strongest explosion.
   I felt dizzy, my ear was ringing, my arm hurts, my body feels numb. I leaned against the rock and sat down on the floor looking to the ceiling until I felt a touch in my shoulder. It was Aizawa. He was saying something, but I couldn't really hear him, it sounded like a really low whisper.   "What?!" I didn't understand what he was saying, i was just seeing his mouth moving, so I read his lips
 'Are you day?' day? Oh, maybe he said okay not day
 "Yeah I'm fine!!" I answered 'Why are you yelling?' i did not understand and i was lazy so i just said
 "I'm not dealing with this shit right now." I got up and went to recovery girl leaving a curious but worried Aizawa behind.

 "Hey Chiyo!" I said getting into her office and then saw her waving
 "I need to stay here for a while again." I said sitting on one of the beds in there and then pointing at my ear then saying
 "Can we use sign language, I don't like talking in this condition.."
 /It happened again?/ she signs and I nod
 /Did you go to a doctor?/ I shake my head in a no
 /Im scared of what might happen of what my family or anyone would think if they found out/ I signed back
 /You need to tell someone, someone will find out eventually./
 /I know, I'm just so scared../ She sighs and hugs me then signed again
 /I didn't tell anyone, yet. But I will if you don't tell anyone!/
 /I'm gonna go home today, I will tell them, I promise../
 /Thank you./ She hugs me again
 /For how long do you think it'll last this time?/
 /I don't know, maybe a few minutes../ After some time of talking to Chiyo the ringing stopped and a little later I started hearing again but this time it got worse. It seemed like everything was a little bit louder than a normal whisper.
 "Thanks Chiyo.."
 "No problem, but how is it this time?"
 "Worse, it all seems like an whisper shout or something like that.."
 "Oh honey, I'm so sorry.."
 "It's fine, I'm gonna go now, see ya!"
 "Bye, and take care!"


I enter the classroom to see everyone looking at me, Aizawa asks
 "Where were you?"
 "At recovery girl's office" I say sitting down
 "Are you okay?"
 "Yeah, but I will go home after school and will return tomorrow morning just to let you know." "Okay, anyways.." he starts teaching again


I was packing some things to go to my parents house when I hear a knock on my door.
 "What?!" I yelled
 "It's me Bakubro!" I hear shitty hair's voice, I go towards the door and open it
 "What do you want?!"
 "Can I come in?" He asks and I go back towards my bed to finish folding the clothes as he enters the room and closes the door
 "How is your room always so clean!?" The red haired boy says looking around
 "Tch. What do you want anyways?!" I say putting the clothes into a backpack
 "I just wanted to see if you're really okay, you just vanished from training than said you were at recovery girl's, I just got worried.."
 "I'm fine, it's nothing serious."
 "But what happened?" He asks, and I start thinking if I should tell him or not.
 "You okay? You zoned out for a while.."
 "Yes, I'm fine! I just hurt my arm so I will not train tomorrow." I said lying to him, I really want to tell him, but I am too scared to do so.
 "Oh, is it bruised?"
 "No, I just overused my quirk so it's a little numb and it hurts a little."
 "Are you sure you're okay?" In the truth I just wanted to say
'No, I'm not okay, I'm slowly going deaf. At any minute I'm not gonna be able to hear again and I'm scared of what people will think. I'm so overwhelmed by all this shit. I'm tired of pretending. I did so many things I regret, I want to apologize to Deku and all the people I hurt but I just can't. I'm not fine. I just want to cry and scream. It's all too much!'
but of course i woudn't be honest with anyone about this.
 "Yes I'm sure! For fuck sake!" I lied again carrying the backpack and going out of the room while the boy stares at me
 "What are you waiting for? Get out already! I need to close the door!"
 "Oh yeah, sorry bro!" He said running out then I lock the door and start walking downstairs, and shitty hair being himself followed me to the common room. As I was walking out he smiles and waves saying
 "Bye bro!" I say nothing as response not because I was ignoring him, i just didn't hear what he said, I walk out of the campus and call a Taxi.


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