FTO - Kids

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The kids of Alantide as adults, or near adult in Oakley's case.

The kids of Alantide as adults, or near adult in Oakley's case

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Damian and Ech are 18 in this, Oakley is 17.

I have this little headcannon that while Ech keeps in Divinus and Damian joins La Carnival, which I believe is cannon, Oakley is a sort of guild-hopper. He doesn't choose a guild, instead helping out at both of his parents' as well as the other, more Grimshade than Protectors.

I love little details. Favorite thing to add. Like on this, Ech has an ear clasp with raindrops and a snowflake necklace, and Oakley's ponytail is the same design as Ritchie's bandana and his necklace pendent is the same as Flurry's.

Also, the dragon is one of the eggs from Davis's finale, and possibly Bryan's, I don't know when his season ended. I named her Venti, with the headcannon that Bryan chose the dragons' names and went with the elemental path, and I really like that name.

I hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day/night. Bye!

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