˚˖✧ 𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐳á𝐥𝐞𝐳: 𝐱𝐚𝐯𝐢'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 watching the Barça boys while they were training. Sitting on the tribune, reading your book and sipping your favorite starbucks drink was your favorite daily activity, besides going to uni. One of the perks of being Xavi's daughter.


You looked up and watched Gavi, who tried to impress you with his skills. You put the book and your drink away before clapping your hands with a smile on your face.

"Excelente, Gavira."

Next to him was Pedri, who was watching you with an amused look on his face. You couldn't lie - Pedri was one of the most handsome guys you had ever seen and half the team knew about your little crush on him, but you didn't really care. The only thing you were scared of was of Xavi finding out. Due to being such a protective father, he wouldn't hesitate to kick Pedri out if anything happened between the two of you.

Your eyes met Pedri's and he winked at you and you flashed him a shy smile.

He had just been back to training after about four weeks of being injured. He got injured in the first half of the game against Manchester United in the Europa League. Since then, he had missed many games and trainings and you were very excited to see him play against Real Madrid on Sunday in Laliga.

The guys continued their training, when you suddenly noticed how many medicals surrounded Pedri. You went down to check what had happened, but your father held you back.

"Lo que está mal con él, papá?"

As you asked what was wrong with him, you couldn't hide the worried undertone of your face and you were scared of your father noticing, but when he didn't say anything about that, you let out a sigh of relief.

"He's injury isn't fully healed, they say. He's out for the next two weeks probably, he needs to heal fully."

You nodded slowly, watching as Pedri walked inside.

"Papá, can I check on him?"

Your father looked suspicious at first, but then he shrugged.


You knew your father wouldn't say know. Being a med student had it's perks at times like these.

You went inside, looking for the medical room. When you found it, you entered.


Pedri, who was sitting on the lie, looked up at you. His expression was rather pained and you felt bad for him. It must suck not being able to do the thing you love the most because of an injury.

You walked towards him, your gaze focused on his right thigh.

"It hurts, but it's no big deal," he said softly, but you remembered a salve you used to use whenever you were injured and it hurt a lot. It wouldn't make the healing proccess faster, but the pain would go away.

You looked around in the cabinets of the medical staff until you found what you were looking for.

"Roll your shorts up a little," you demanded and he did. You put some of the salve on your hand, before starting to massage his thigh carefully. You could feel his hot breath on your neck as you bend down a little further to have better access to his thigh.

He exhaled sharply when you finally let go of his thigh and went to wash the salve of your hands.

"This'll help the pain."

You turned to the door to leave the room so your father doesn't grow more suspicious, but Pedri cleared his throat.

"Don't go."

Soon after he had said that, you felt his body against yours from behind. His breath was on your neck and he put his arms around your waist.

"What are you doing, González?"

"Shh, keep quiet, bonita."

You didn't notice you were holding your breath until you felt a pain in your chest because of it. Did he just call you bonita?

You turned around to him which turned out to be a mistake - because as soon as you turned around, he pressed you against the door you were just about to open to leave and his lips met your neck.

"You think I haven't noticed the way you keep looking at me?" he whispered against your neck.

His mouth was now sucking on the sensitive skin of your neck and you bit your lip to not let out any noise.

Your hands gripped onto his biceps as you turned your head to give him more access to you, whimpering when he began to nibble on your neck, not beinf able to hold it in anymore. His tongue gliding against the broken vessels of your skin, smirking as he wasn't done yet.

"Pedri, please," you sighed in content, one of your hands working it's way up to the nape of his neck, pulling at his hair gently.

His tongue zig-zagged along your collarbone, gently biting before his lips began to suck again. He could feel your legs buckling, holding onto your waist tightly as he released a soft chuckle.

"Careful," Pedri murmured, his voice lowering unintentionally, but it only aided in the seductive aura that filled every inch of the room.

A loud knock on the door made him let go of you. You looked at him with panic in your eyes as the loud voice of your father made you flinch.

"Everything okay in there? I think you should come out, mija."

Pedri couldn't hide his smirk as his gaze trailed over your neck and collarbone, the marks of his love all over you.

"Ah, sí, papá. I'm coming."

You let out a loud sigh when you heard how your father stepped away. That was a close one...

You looked into the mirror, which was above the washbasin.

"Dios mío, Pedri!"

Your neck was covered in hickeys and you didn't know how to go out without everyone knowing what had happened inside of this room.

"Calma, amor. He won't see."

Pedri noticed your uncertainity and the slight regret flashing in your eyes. He walked up to you and put two fingers below your chin to make you look up at him.

"Are you mad at me for doing this?"

You shrugged, but then you planted a soft kiss on his lips quickly.

"I've got to go. He'll kill you if he finds out."

The look on Pedri's face was surprised at first, but then he grinned at you.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | footballersWhere stories live. Discover now