chapter 16-Not Tommy...

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yns pov
Me and Ranboo started to get closer.Noting like lovers but good friends.He desided to teach me ender as that was my native language.Well one of them I mean.... I am half wither to.

I have been liveing at Phils for a month now and he was being....nicer to me it felt nice. Techno was still a dick but oh well I dont really care its Techno.I mean would you take someone who has cotten candy pink hair seriously?

I was thinking about who to stay with,mabey Minx or Sarah havent seen her in awhile or by myself better than pigman.

Me and ranboo where hanging out as Ranboo was teaching me ender"Your getting good at this."Ranboo said"Thanks Ranboo its not been esay but at least I can know some of my anicent language."

We contiunted to learn then Ranboo busted out the most Random thing ever. "Do you want to go to the end."I was shocked "Yes of course!"Ranboo grabbed my hand and teleported I felt really disoriented abit but once eveything stopped spinning I could see around me.

It looked like my what I saw in my dream I found it really cool."Come on yn lets go see my best friend."Ranboo said to me and skipped of and I ran after him.

We made it to someplace with tall walls like Lmanberg but differnt it was... peaceful.We entered people where looking at me and wispering in ender i understood some of it like 'look' or 'no way' but not enought to make a full sentance.

Ranboo entered a house and i followed "Josh i have amazing news."Ranboo said as we walked in to a strangers home."What do you need that??" "YES!Its the lost ruler."Josh gave me a side eye (AN-bombatic side eye)I just awkwardly waved at him"Yeah I dont believe you."Ranboo looked at me with a look and I have a confused one back."Yn sing." "No its embarrassing."Ranboo looked at me with a begging look."Please." "Fine Ranboo god your annoying."

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