chapter 24-wait you knew

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Yns pov
It's been a few months since Tommy was exialed and I haven't gone to seen him for many reasons and I feel so bad about it He must be all alone by himself with the green piss baby but why take tommy? I mean yes he could of see Tommy but me tommy and ranboo where out of lmanberg it could of been balmed on either of us why just tommy.

In other news Wilburs a fucking ghost don't ask me how THAT happened it just did but he doesn't remember his life at all so we all are trying to help help him remeber the good stuff not the bad stuff but we don't think he will so we are more just telling him when he's around.He likes to wonder around I don't know where as he once came back with a sheep he dyed blue.

I was just in my house packing a bag i had no clue how much stuff I would need but I was just getting food and stuff.I was going to find Tommy and make sure he was OK and today I will do it's gonna happen.I kept packing and then I heard a echoey voice from behind me."Hello yn are you busy?" I jump and just around to see ghostbur and friend." Oh shit ghostbut you scared the shit out of me and abit I'm going to find Tommy my brother."Then I remeberes we never told him about Tommy.

"Oh Tommy I know him he really misses this place I think he used to live here."I froze he knew Tommy,he had spoken to Tommy."I turn to look at him Ghostbur listen to me is his full name Tommyinnit?" He nodded happily.

I took a deep breath."And you decided not to tell us that a child had been talking about out nation AND MOST LIKELY KNEW US!"My eyes went purple well not as purple as they did when I was.....accually let's not think about it."Well no one asked so I never spoke."He said cheerfully I clamed myself down.

"Can you take me there with friend?" I begged more then anything in my question I needed to see Tommy was ok.He nodded and put friend on a leash and walked away I followed.He took me to the community nether portal and we both walked though.I felt dizzy for a second and when I walked out I was in a nation of fire and lava and eveythint wants to kill you.

Friend let out an uncomfortable sheep noise and Ghostbur patted him."It ok friend I know it's hot don't worry we won't be here long."Hot? It's not that hot I mean I'm fine.Strange?

We started walking though there where man made bridges made of cobblestone  incase of a ghost attack.The more we walked the worse the brides got untill there where bridges if wood.We made it to a portal and went though.

Tommys pov
I heard the portal makeing sound something was comeing though.I bet it's Dream no one has bothered comeing to see me and that stings not Tubbo or Ranboo not even yn!I saw a ghostly figure.I mean Ghostburs better than Dream.

There was someone else? Is that...YN!?

No fucking way!I watched them step though and gather themselves and they both look at me.There is a moment of silence I think me and yn where jn shock."T-Toms?"Yn was able to stutter out.I nodded and we ran together hugging each other crying.It had been months.

"Why did it take you so long to come visit?"Yn held onto my crying there eyes out."It just did toms I'm really sorry but I'm here now ok.After ages of just tears and apologies from me mostly we had calmed down Ghostbur had wondered off and my and tommy whet just taking.

"So yn how's Lmanberg how's tubbo?" Tommy questioned me "Well tubbo is overworked still and lmanberg seems in shambles he's still pissed I best him up." I chuckle but he had it comeing to him but still I felt kinda bad.Tommy just nodded.

"SO toms big 17 soon ay how dose it feel almost a man child." Tommy just pouted at me, and i just laughed."So what are you doing for your as im guess you your not allowed in the smp whatsoever?"Tommy sighed at what U said and looked out over the nearby ocean.

"I was gonna invite eveyone here and have the party here somewhere I just need to make the invites!" I smiled it was a nice idea."That's a good idea as soon as I get an invite I'll 100% be going don't worry Toms and I'm sure eveyone else will come and I'll drag Tubbo along for you."

We both laughed and just talked for abit untill I had to go and luckily Ghostbur appeared again. What good timing.I stand up and dust myself off."I should go Toms or Tubbo my accually find out o disappeared."Tommys smile faded when I said that and hugged me."Please come visit please don't take as long." He was begging, but I couldn't promise anything to him.

"I'll try Tommy but I don't wanna get your hopes up ok but I'll 100% come for your birthday ok."He looked super upset but nodded.We hugged for abit longed and then me and Ghostbur walked back into the nether to walk home.Just before the portal was out of sight I swere I saw Dream go though the portal.

It couldn't be him....right?

Tommys pov
As yn left I knew Dream would be here soon and mabey a minute or to after yn left I heard the portal make noise.
Dream was here.

"Ohhhh Tommy so good to see you how are you today?" I could tell he was being sarcastic but what could I do it was just me and him here...alone."I'm good Dream."That's all I could say as Dream dug a hole.I knew the drill and threw all my stuff in Dream lit all my hard work alight.

As it burt he came round and leant against me."So Tommy do you have any plans comeing up?" I nodded ready to explain what I was gonna do."Well I'm gonna make lots of invites and invite all my friends to a beach party for my birthday."Dream nodded seeming to...agree."That's a great idea Tommy!" Wait did Dream fucking was taken just AGREE WITH ME!

"But remeber Tommy I'm your best friend as no one except your dead brother comes to visit."I just nodded not 100% believing him as I had just seen yn.

"Well you should go make them invites now."I nodded and ran off to do that

I'm alive eveyone so it's been....awhile and alot has happened.Im currently waiting for a mental health place to get back to me witch is fun and my exams start tmr with is terrifying.So the reason I haven't been uploading is I've been focused on my tiktok more with cosplay and shit but I wanna finish this book before the end of the year.Also one last question if i started a hazbin hotel book would anyone read it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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