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Akaza's Pov

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door. "Mr. Soyama? It's time to get up!" The door opens, it was a staff member, Mei. she wakes me up every day at the same time, 5:30 AM. She draws my curtains and makes my bed neatly as soon as I get out of it. It was a usual routine for us. She's a nice woman, to be honest. Though we only exchange a few words unless it's about my 'schedule'. My stupid schedule..  "Your mother and father will be going on vacation to Hawaii." She smiled at me. "Do you have any plans to travel? It's best I let your parents know sooner rather than later, to avoid complications in your parents schedule!"  

I sigh and stretch. "You ask me this every time they leave. No."  Mei nodded. "I'll let your parents know. What would you like for breakfast, Mr. Soyama?"      "..Not hungry." 

Walking into my bathroom, I shower and do my daily routine, wash my face, brush my teeth and put on my uniform. Half of the uniform anyway. I've never found comfort in those stupid vests and ties.  

I rush down the large staircase and put my shoes on. "Oh, you're leaving already?" I hear my twin brothers voice. I don't bother looking at him. "Yes."   "But it's very early? School doesn't open for another 15 minutes."    "He still manages to be late anyway." I then hear a females voice, and sigh, turning around. My brother and his fiancé chuckling to each other. "If you're both finished talking to me, I'll be leaving, don't bother me." 

"I never planned on talking you today either, Nii-San. But father wants to talk to you about your grades before he leaves for his vacation to Hawaii with mother."    "You know, if you're still struggling, you can join our study group? It's not embarrassing to ask for help sometimes, you know..?" Koyuki asked in a kind tone. "It's not embarrassing, it's pathetic. I don't need help, I'm not struggling at all." I sigh. Of course I'd never let these two weaklings know a second year was tutoring me. It'd make them think they have a right to look down on me. Which they don't.   

I left before Hakuji could bring up father again, and walked to school. Gyutaro and Daki were waiting for me by the boba store. "You're late, surprisingly." Gyutaro chuckled. 

"Yeah, my brother was being annoying.." I mumble. "So, what have you got on that Kamado guy?" I turn my head to Daki. She shrugged. "Nothing much, the only thing he's revealed to me is that he is protective of his sister. Other than that, I have nothing we can use against him." 

I shrug. "I can settle with that for now. But try to get more information on him. Like, fears, or weaknesses." I say. "I obviously will. I didn't accept that perverts request to date him if I wasn't sure I was going to get info." She rolled her eyes. "Speaking of that perv. I gotta go and sit with them, maybe the convo's will be more interesting." 

"Alright. If he tries to touch you though.. Tell us." Gyutaro spoke more sternly as we walked in, as me and Gyutaro sat down in our usual spot, Daki continued walking. "You really think she'll get information?" I ask Gyutaro. "Probably not. But we can do something about his sister." He replied.  

I nod, then quickly stand up, which not only startled him, but also startled me a bit. I walk over to the booth in the back corner where the group of mostly humans sat, and grab Tanjiro's arm, pulling him out of the booth. "Stop doing that. I can walk.!" He frowns as I pull him over to the counter. "Taro milk tea." I mumble. He stared at me blankly for a moment, and ordered exactly that. Handing it to me. "This is the last time now, okay?"  I nod and walk back over to Gyutaro, sitting down. "seriously?" He sighed. "Shut up. It's funny." I speak in a stern tone. 

Tanjiro's Pov

"So, are you and Akaza like- friends? Buying him drinks is super cute!" Daki smiled. I shrug. "It just gets him to leave me alone.. So I don't mind."   "Huh? Are you scared of him or something?" She tilts her head. "No. Not at all.. I just don't need him insulting me every three seconds." 

"I see.. So, if you're not scared of him, then what are you afraid of?" She asks with her usual smile. I say nothing and just shrug. "Well, since it took you so long to get here, we'll be late if we don't leave now." Inosuke sighed, standing up as he referred to Daki. "Sorry." She mumbled. 

"It's fine. Ignore him." Zenitsu spoke sternly, glaring at Inosuke, who calmly began walking out,  ignoring his sly look. 

The rest of the school day went normally, I didn't see Akaza or Gyutaro for a short while until after my last lesson. The bell rang and the school day ended. "Come on." Akaza spoke to me the moment I stepped out of the classroom. "Huh?" I mumbled, following behind him as he walked silently. I then remembered the tutoring I had to do with him. He didn't seem too happy about it either, but I had forgotten about it completely, I'm sure it'll put him in a bad mood knowing he could have skipped it. When he walked into the library, I followed him inside, but paused. 

He had disappeared. It was strange, I know I wasn't imagining it.. He must be pretty tired and just wants to get this done quickly. I began looking for him, and eventually found him near one the large bookshelves. "There you are." I sigh, then pause. He was with a girl, I had seen her around before, but not enough to notice certain details. She was an upper class student, the same year as Akaza. He was smiling at her, until I interrupted their conversation accidentally. 

Now that I see them both clearly, Akaza doesn't look like himself. Well.. He does, but he has a different hair colour and eye colour.. His hair his black, like the female he's with, and his eyes a bright blue with white eyelashes that seem unique. "Huh? Sorry.. You are..?" He asked. I was silent from confusion. "...What..?" I mumble after an awkward silence. "When did you dye your hair??" I then ask, knowing the conversation wouldn't go anywhere if I stayed in that state.


I quickly turn around, it was Akaza. His hair looked normal. I then inspect the two identical beings. "Nii-San.. Who's your friend?" The other one of him asked. 'Nii-San'? So Akaza has a younger brother.. I would have never expected that, with him being a demon and all. 

"..None of your business." Akaza spoke in a harsh tone. "Uh.. S-sorry for before, I wasn't aware Akaza had a brother! I'm Tanjiro Kamado!" I introduced myself, bowing as an apology. 

"It's fine, really.. It happens a lot. I'm Hakuji, this is my.. Uhm.." He faced the girl, they both started blushing. How intimate.. They must have a close bond to get flustered by words.. Akaza sighed and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "Disgusting." He muttered. 

"Koyuki is his fiancé." He then stated, I noticed us walking towards the library exit. 

"What about tutoring?" I ask. "I'm not doing that with them around, come on." 

We left the school building, I followed behind him like a lost puppy, oblivious to what was going on. We walked in silence for a short while. "So.. Where do you want to go then?" I mumbled, then looked around, only to bump into him as he stopped. "You're such an idiot." He sighed. "Come on. Hurry up." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards a large building. It was a pretty large house, larger than I had ever seen, though me and my friends don't usually go towards this area, we usually venture more into the city where all the fun things are.. This part of the city is what Zenitsu would call 'rich people property.'. 

We stepped through the front door. "Ah, Mr. Soyama.. You're back! Would you like me to prepare a snack for you and your friend?" A woman, who looked like a member of staff, spoke in a light tone. "No."    "You live here?" I ask, he ignored my question as we rushed up the large staircase and down one of the large hallways, he opened a room, which I'm guessing is his bedroom. It had a large bed, a desk that looks like it never got touched once since it's arrival in this room, and two more doors in the room. "How come I'm paying for your drinks if you have all of this money..?!" I frown. He sighed and sat on the bed after closing the door. 

"Let's just get this over with.." He mumbled. 

I guess he doesn't want me here, I could have brought him to my home if he didn't want to come here, all he had to do was suggest it and I'd agree.. 


Ignore the fact that I forgot about this book.  ಥ_ಥ


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