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Tanjiro's Pov

I woke up early in the morning and did my usual morning routine; Shower, brush my teeth, style my hair, put on my uniform and put my hanafuda earrings on. Since it was pretty early and nobody was awake yet, I decided to make breakfast as the sun rose. Checking the time, it was 5:59 AM. I watched the time closely as I placed the small bowels of rice and eggs on the table, along with orange juice. As soon as a minute passed and 6 AM hit, my mother exits her bedroom and wakes up the children. Nezuko came out of her room in her uniform soon after. "Oh, you made breakfast!" My mother smiled as she approached me. "Thank you dear. I don't know what I'd do without you around." She chuckled. I moved onto making lunch for me and nezuko, it was a simple bento, nothing to out of the ordinary. As my family sat down and ate creakfast, I joined them soon after and handed my sister her bento, then put mine in my bag and helped my mother clean up. "Will you be able to help out at the bakery today, Tanjiro?" My mother asks as I put my shoes on. I stay silent for a moment, thinking about Nakime's request. "I'm not sure, mother. I'll message you if I'll be able to." I replied, Nezuko was waiting to leave, she seemed to be in a happy mood. 

Once we left, we took the route to school, stopping by the boba store, sitting down at the booth in the back, like usual. All of our friends were already there, having a conversation. 

"Good morning Tanjiro, Nezuko." Kanao greeted us. "Morning!" I smiled, Nezuko smiled too, but didn't say anything. We sat down were we usually sit. "So, who has History in C8 first lesson?" Aoi asked. 

"I do." I replied. "So do me and Inosuke." Kanao smiled. "Huh? How do you know?" Inosuke asked. "You always forget your classes, which is why I memorized your classes for you." 

"Hey, guys, I need your help." Zenitsu mumbled. "I think I'm going to ask out Daki. I need help, I don't know what to say.." 

The table went quiet for a moment. I still don't know who Daki is, but by the stuff I've heard, she doesn't seem like a nice person. "It's not a good idea.. You could have chosen anyone, and you chose Daki?" Aoi asked. "I agree, Daki isn't girlfriend material." Kanao slightly smiled. "But if you like her, you should go for it." 

"I agree, maybe Daki isn't as bad as she seems.. Maybe she is different when you get to know her." I smile to him. "Just say you like her a lot, and if she's willing, they can go on a dat and see if it works out." I suggested. "Uh-uh! Daki is not a good idea, no matter her personality.. I don't trust her. Isn't she a first year anyway?" 

"Love doesn't have an age, Aoi!" Zenitsu replied in a stern tone. "It can." Kanao shrugged. "But it's only a year age gap, I don't think it's that bad." 

I felt someone grab my arm, and I was pulled from my seat and dragged to the counter, where you order. "Can you get me that one?" I heard Akaza speak in a calm tone, he was pointing to a fuit tea on the menu board. "No. Leave me alone." I sternly speak, still slightly shocked from being dragged here all of a sudden. "Passion fruit and guava oolong." He ignored me. 

I tried to speak, but couldn't seem to think of the words. I gave up protesting. "This is the last time.." I mumble as I walk back over to the booth. "Do any of you want a drink?" I ask quietly. Kanao seemed to stare at me with a stern expression. "Me! Can I have almond milk tea?" Zenitsu smiled. Nezuko slightly raised her hand. I nodded, walking back to the counter, Akaza was waiting for me with a smile. "Can I get an Almond milk tea, a strawberry cream iced infusion and a passion fruit guava oolong to go, please?" I ask in a slight mumble, the woman behind the counter simply nodded and began preparing the three drinks. Once she had set them down on the counter, I paid and turned around, Akaza took his drink and walked back over to his friends, not saying anything. I silently went back to my friends, sat down and handed the tea to Zenitsu and the Infusion drink to Nezuko. "Stop buying stuff for him." Kanao mumbled. "He can get his own drinks."     I said nothing and just shrugged. "If you keep giving him what he wants, he'll make it a regular occurrence."

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