Part one

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It happened on a Thursday.

Not that I'm criticizing the Apocalypse or anything... but ending the world before the weekend?


At least they nailed the surprise part. No one knew what to make of the dark clouds that rapidly consumed the earth's atmosphere. Even less so when the fire began raining from the skies.

Judging from the crowd I was currently standing in, screaming was quickly becoming the most popular option.

Not that I blamed them. You do you, and all that Jazz.

I would be freaking out too, if I weren't an Angel and impervious to mortal things, like incineration.

Not that I was completely unmoved. Fireproof or no, the world ending still affected me personally.

Not enough to make me drop my Ice-cream or anything, but still.

There go my plans for the night.

After all, everyone would be very dead soon and it's hard to go bowling when everything's on fire.

That's my sister for you. Efficient, even when bringing about cosmic destruction.

I love her to death, but the lady seriously has no chill.

Example Number Uno.

Wiping out a planet full of people over workplace drama.

Could have just sent me a passive-aggressive email. But no. That would give me the option to ignore her.

Like I had been for thousands of years.

Not that this was my fault or anything.

I may have been a little late for work... by a few millennia... because I was backpacking across the universe.

 But this was clearly an overreaction.

One I would have to attend to. Probably.

Seeing how I was the only one who could take my sister's place before her stress destroyed the planet I was standing on.

With planet preservation in mind, I froze time. Stalling events before the first ball of heavenly fire could touch the ground.

Conveniently, disputes between my sister and me often end in stalemates like this. As our powers tend to be as equal as they are opposing.

Still. Stopping time was not what I would call a permanent solution to the Earth's apocalypse problem.

Not if i didn't want to spend the rest of my days walking around a frozen universe. 

A prospect that was only mildly worse than going back to work.

Stuffing a hand into my jacket pocket, I resumed eating my ice cream while talking myself into going back to work.

It wasn't a long discussion.

Seeing as I wasn't really comfortable with letting billions of people die... I would have to go back to Eden to confront my Sister. In-person. Like an adult.


But it had to be done. 

And I'll totally get to doing it.

As soon as I remembered where I left my keys.

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