Part Two

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I flew towards Heaven, knowing that at any moment I could be struck down.

Clutched in my hand was the APPLE, the most sacred object in all of existence.

Taken under the watch of both of Eden's guardians.

The High Black and White Angels.

A pair who had grown so accustomed to going unchallenged, they had neglected to take me seriously.

An arrogance I was still counting on.

One side of my face throbbed, the Black Angel's frost continuing to spread.  It would be the end of me.

But not before I delivered the APPLE to my master.

And its guardians, soon after.


"Stop laughing."

"I'm not," I said. Sat crossed-legged with my back turned away from my Sister.

Failing to hide the fact I was definitely laughing.

"It's your fault that I'm like this," She snapped.

Slowly, seriously, I looked over my shoulder at the High White Angel.

The wound from the High Angel Dust sword had taken a lot out of her. Even with my energy, I had only just made her stable.

To survive, her body had temporarily shifted into a weaker, energy-saving form.

She still looked like my Sister, but now she looked like my baby Sister. Seven years old at the most.

I stared at her with a straight face. For a whole five seconds.

Then I was hunching over,  gasping for breath as I clutched my ribs. "You... look like... a grumpy little... Cupid!" 

She may have become smaller, but the moment my sister hit me in the back of the head, the force of it sent me slamming face-first into the earth.

Hard enough to make an Angel shaped indent in the ground.

"Just wait until I'm back to normal, then we'll see who's laughing!" she said.

I sat up as soberly as possible, watching as my Sister started marching towards our door.

"Where do you think you're going?" I stood to follow.

"After the APPLE."

"Are you sure that's the best id-"

"I'll be back to normal by the time we reach Heaven anyway, now hurry up." She didn't miss a step.

I sighed, doing as I was told. "We're going through Ascend to get to Heaven, aren't we?"

"It's the fastest way." 

I resisted the urge to pout.

Only to end up pouting anyway

"I hate that place almost as much as I hate Eden," I said.

My Sister spun to glare at me, causing me to stumble to a halt before I could trip over her small form.

"We wouldn't have to go there if you had just done your job and gone after the APPLE!" She threw her hands up, face quickly turning red. "None of this would have happened if you had just done your job in the first place!"


"Instead, you left me here to grow complacent enough to fall for such an obvious trick! If you had put the smallest effort into being here for me and actually treating me like I'm your sister, none of this would have happened!"

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