Part Three

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This is a disaster.

Honestly, I cannot think of a single thing that could make this situation worse.

Not only had I been overthrown by a manic seeking to destroy all of existence and remake it in their own image.

They just had to be here.

The last two people I would want to see like this just had to be the only ones who could help me.

Even though the High White Angel was in a similar childlike form, it only made it worse.

For the first time in millennia, she needed my help, and I had turned up in an even worse state.

The High Black Angel could go die in a hole for all I cared.

They held hands as they followed, to keep their natures balanced while we walked through Ascend.

Despite the reunion, I doubted that we could ever go back to the way we were before Eden. Too much had changed

But I needed them.

Even if we weren't friends anymore, one thing hadn't changed.

There is no one else who I would want at my side more when it comes to a fight.


"Raziel, where are you going? The way out of Ascend is through this tunnel on the left. That way just leads de-"

"This is the way we need to go." Raziel interrupted, continuing to walk deeper into Ascend.

"This is the way we need to go." My Brother mimicked.

I resisted the urge to hit him. Barely.

We continued to walk, growing further and further from the path that would lead directly to Heaven's gate.

Raziel stopped, and I looked around, scanning every nook and cranny. There was nothing out of the ordinary, no apparent doors or passages.

"Soooo, Raziel's finally fallen off his perch." My Brother began to turn. "Thanks for your help, but my Sister and I will be going back now, to use the door that actually exists."  

I yanked on his hand. Holding my Brother in place as Raziel glared.

"There is another way into heaven," Raziel said. "The door can only be unlocked using the Archive."

"Not even Miracle can open it?" I asked.

"Miracle?" Raziel tilted his head.

At the sound of its name, the key slithered out from where it had been hiding in my brother's clothing.

It gave Raziel a cheerful hiss in greeting and slithered down my brother's arm and onto mine.

"You named the Key to Eden's Door Miracle?" 

I just pointed at my Brother and Raziel nodded his understanding.

"This door is a personal entrance I created when I became king. Perhaps with time, Mircle could open it, but time is something we don't have." Raziel explained.

"Exactly, so would you please do so already? Before I die from old age?" My Brother said sourly.

Raziel looked away again, stalling, but eventually nodded. He reached into the pocket of the silver jacket he wore and pulled out his monocle.

The monocle had a circular, wire-rimmed lens, worn using parts that sat over one ear and the bridge of the nose. 

Raziel pulled his curls out of his face and slid the Monocle on. The moment he opened his eye golden symbols made from light burst into existence in front of him.

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