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The lava creatures began to inch closer to Elora as they started to surround her. This was all her fault! The lava creatures were here because of her! And now everyone was in danger because of her! She needed to get them both out of the village quickly before these creatures cause any more devastation.

Elora reached behind her only to feel the air. Her eyes widen realizing that she didn't have her staff.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Elora hissed.

A lava creature let out a low growl and lunged at her. Elora quickly flipped back from the creature's grasp landing on top of a haystack pile. She needed her staff if she was going to fight! Where was that kid? Elora scanned around the screaming and scrambling crowd trying to find Calista. Goodwin, Cedric, Winifred, Lucinda and her mother, and Cordelia were trying to hold back the lava monsters as they casted spells on them, while Roland soldiers tried to hold them back as they tried to get the villagers and the royal family to safety. Sofia and James slipped through the crowd while Roland and Miranda were distracted.

"Sofia! James! Come back! It's too dangerous!" Amber cried out to her brother and sister, worried.

"Sofia!" Miranda screamed out to her daughter.

"James!" Roland called out to James trying to get them to come back. Sofia ran over to Cedric, helping him up.

"Mr. Cedric, what are we going to do? Those monsters are going to destroy the entire village if we don't do something quick!"

"Posiden's pumpkins! None of our spells seem to have any effect on these creatures. They just keep growing back!" Goodwin shouted, frustrated. He fired a spell at a lava creature in its arm, which only regrew a new one in place of the one it lost.

"Where's Calista!?" Cordelia exclaimed, seeing her daughter was not with Sofia.

"We got separated in the crowd! Where's Elora?" Sofia cried out.

"I thought she was with you!" Cedric said, confused.

"I'll go check!" Lucinda shouted. She quickly hopped onto her broom and flew up into the air to look "I see them!" She pointed out. The two lava creatures suddenly stopped attacking then went in the direction where Lucinda saw Elora and Calista.

"Oh no! We need to hurry!" Sofia shouted.

Elora narrowed her eyes as she continued to search for Calista until she spotted the little girl, with her staff, surround by two lava monsters. The lava creature below her started to ignite the haystack pile, setting it a blaze. Elora quickly hopped off the pile, landing behind the monster and rushed over towards Calista. She gasped the lava monster behind her started to follow her as it slithered on the ground then quickly appeared in front of Elora, blocking her path. Elora quickly dipped low and slid on the ground as the monster swung at her with its fiery fist, slipping past the lava creature. She quickly headed towards the other two lava creatures that were surrounding Calista and jumped onto the stands and quickly leaped off of them. She grabbed Calista and rolled on the ground out of the way before the two monsters tried to grab her.

Elora quickly took her staff back from Calista and ran with the little sorceress tucked in her other arm, screaming, as the three lava creatures chased them. Elora passed by a house with several barrels sitting beside it. She used her staff to fly the barrels at the three creatures. One barrel hit one of the lava monsters, making it furious. While the other two mowed over the rest.

"You just made them angry!" Calista shouted.

"Yeah, I know!" Elora shouted as she continued to run. She needed to lose the kid and lead the lava creatures away from the village so no one would get caught in the crossfire or cause any more damage. Wait, the river! She could use it to get rid of the creatures once and for all!

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