There's One in Every Family

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Cedric, Elora, and Sofia decided to set up camp, seeing that the sun was starting to go down. Koa flew down and sat perched on Elora's shoulder. Cedric landed the coach and waved his wand to unload the bags. Sofia started to set up the sleeping bags and Elora walked over to the food compartment of the carriage to start some dinner up. As she opened, Elora blinked in surprise as she saw something inside. "Uh, are we expecting any expecting guests?" she asked. Sofia and Cedric both turned to her.

"No, why?" Sofia questioned. Elora pulled out Clover from the food compartment in the carriage. He was munching on a couple of radishes. "Look who I found rummaging around in our food."

Sofia quickly took the rabbit from Elora. "Clover, I told you stay back at the castle!"

"I didn't know when you'll be back. The palace would've been boring without you. So, here I am!" Clover told her.

"Clover, it's not safe." Sofia replied.

"And it's not safe for you as well."

"It's too late to return him back and we're all the way out here." Elora said.

"I guess it's alright if the vermin-I mean, the rabbit stays." Cedric murmured and went back to get started on the fire. Nighttime had fallen and everyone ate their dinner and turned in for the night.

"Good night, you guys." Elora told Sofia and Cedric.

As soon as Elora closed her eyes, she went fast asleep.

In her dream, Elora found herself wandering in the cobblestone streets of a strange town. She could smell the salty sea in the air. Her home, possibly maybe, a memory? Elora decided to dive in deeper. She had to find out. She had to remember! Elora saw that she was a child again as she looked into the reflecting from a puddle of water. From every corner, there were people towering over her with menacing stares and glares. There were several bandits robbing a store, a person randomly getting mugged in an alley. People begging in the streets, peddlers who were really con artists, selling fake trinkets and jewelry and other merchandises. Elora felt her body move as she was being pulled towards a man who was walking in the street, accompanied by a woman, who was dressed in guard armor. The man was an elf and appeared to be middle aged. He had long black hair with some graying in it, one strand up in a ponytail while the rest lay loose. He was wearing silk red luxurious garments made for a noble, dark forest green eyes like hers. The woman beside him was a human, appeared to be in her mid 20's, blue eyes, brown hair with braids along the side of her head folded into a small messy bun. She moved with grace in movement. As they got closer, Elora purposely bumped into the man, causing her to stumble.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said, innocently.

"It's alright, my dear. Are you okay?" the man asked her, holding Elora. Elora felt her hands slip into the man's pockets, taking small stash of coin.

"I'm fine! I really must be going now!" Elora smiled, but before she could run a hand grabbed her wrist in an iron like grip. It was the woman's.

"Do you really think you can fool and steal from the king?"

"Let me go!" Elora shouted, trying to break out of the woman's arms.

"What should we do with her, your majesty? Throw in in the dungeons?"

The king eyed Elora curiously, narrowing his eyes and bent down to her.

"Such a young lady wandering these dangerous streets. Can you tell me your name, child?" the king asked her.

"----." Elora told him, softly. Elora tried to remember what she had said. It had to be her real name. What was it? It drove Elora even more frustrated as she couldn't remember it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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