the kick off

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"i just want you to see me blair."
- chapter one, act one
"the kick off"


after dancing with some random girl dressed up as wonder woman blair, who was dressed as a "sexy" fairy would walk up to her friends earning a few looks from random boys as she walked towards chad and ethan on the couch.

"woah chad," ethan would say nudging chad as blair walked up. "hot girl coming our way.. should we invite her to sit with us?" ethan would joke to chad as blair walked up to the two.

"hey ethan," blair would smile sitting in the empty spot next to him. "having a good time?" ethan would say putting his arm around blair who had sat next to him. "yep!" blair would jump at the sudden movement.

"erm chad-" anika would say pointing to tara and frankie who were headed upstairs, frankie had a reputation of violating girls. the three on the couch got up faster than the blink of an eye.

"hey tara- i'm kinda tired can you walk home with me?" blair would ask tara hoping she would say yes a drop frankies hand. "get ethan to take you." tara would say looking at ethan who was standing beside her in his cardboard costume.

blair rolled her eyes at tara before having chad step in. "hey partner." chad said walking up to frankie and tara, "tara is good down here." chad would say attempting to grab taras hand.

"sorry i didn't catch that?"

"yes you did." chad would fake smile at frankie who was standing at the top of the stairs. "no chad it's fine i want to" tara would slur not helping her situation. "see chad" frankie would smile looking at chad

"she wants too."

frankie would turn back taking tara by the top of her arm making her fall backwards. "how about you keep your fucking hands off her." chad would say catching tara who would've broken her neck if chad hadn't been standing at the bottom of the stairs.

this must've set frankie off, two punches landed in chads lower abdomen. chad would mirror frankies body language also placing punches in his lower abdomen

"guys stop." tara would say watching the two boys have a full on wwe fight.

"you wanna go?" blair would whisper to ethan who was clearly uncomfortable.

the pair had walked outside hand in hand, they weren't a couple they just liked to act like they where. "so, how have you been?" ethan would say

blair would laugh at his failed attempt at a conversation. "i've been fine ethan, thank you for asking." blair would smile before looking down at their hands causing her cheeks to heat up.

"are you still having nightmares?" ethan would ask obviously concerned. blair had drunkenly told ethan about her nightmares at a party and now he wouldn't leave her alone about it.

"maybe.." blair would mumble. but before ethan could respond he heard footsteps and yelling behind him which made him turn around revealing tara, sam and everyone else. the pair would run up to the group beginning to walk with them.

"because your not dealing with what happened to us. have you even gone to see the councilor once?" the two would hear sam raise her voice at tara who was speeding away from her sister.

blair and ethan sat on the curb still hand in hand as they watched the two sisters argue.

"no and i'm not going to!" tara would yell now causing bystanders to stop what they were doing and start recording.

"why not?" sam would say aggressively slamming her hands against her sides. "because i'm not interested in living in the past like you are." tara spat at her sister.

"what's that supposed to mean" sam would say with a hurt expression on her face. "i'm not gonna let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life." tara would scream at her sister.

"well tara we almost died.." blair would say earning a mean stare from tara, she would hold ethans hand tighter and look over at him looking for some kind of reaction. the boy offered a soft smile, "it's okay, tara is a hot head." ethan would whisper in her ear before placing a kiss on her head.

"so what your gonna pretend it never happened?" they would hear sam say. "what are you doing sam, in new york? your working two shitty jobs to help with the rent but what's your plan?" tara would say crossing the line.

sam stuttered looking for words. "well i know what i'm doing, i'm gonna keep going to college, i'm gonna get my degree and i'm going to live my life. my life."

sam watched as her sister looked around at everyone staring "you just follow me here and you won't let me out of your sight." tara would say awaiting a response from her sister. "i'm just trying to look out for you." sam would say with a soft expression on her face. "i- i know you are and you can't do it for the rest of my life, you have to let me go-"


a million mumbles and gasps left the group of people as some random girl threw her drink on sam "murderer!" the girl would chuckle before walking away.

"what the fuck is wrong with you!" sam would scream at the girl who had thrown a drink on her sweater.

"you guys should stay away from her!, she knows what she did." the girl spat before walking away completely. "i didnt do anything!" sam protested looking down at her sweater which was now soaked in beer.

as everyone began to leave as ethan had walked up to sam.
"i- i have tissues if you want tissues." ethan would say gaining some laughs for blair who was waiting on him.

"i have three tissues.." ethan would say awkwardly handing sam the tissues before he began walking to blair who was now on the ground laughing hysterically.

"oh shut up blair i was helping." ethan would say helping blair off the ground and holding her hand again.

the two had walked behind their friends giving them time to talk without anyone hearing.

"i really like you blair." ethan you mutter out. "yeah?" blair would say looking up at ethan who was looking ahead "yeah- i.. i like you a lot." ethan would stutter.

"i like you a lot too ethan." blair would say placing her head on ethans shoulder.

"is this real blair talking or drunk blair talking." ethan would say now making eye contact with blair. "real blair." the red headed girl would clarify causing ethan to loudly gulp.

their moment was soon interrupted by the sound of chads voice. "oh my gosh guys, hurry up we don't have all night!" chad would yell pointing out blair and ethans slow walking causing them to spit apart and walk with different people.

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