17. The Cooperation

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Yet another blow to my hope of scoring Frank.

We're at Lincoln for a football match between Lincoln's and my school. Even though our school's team is winning, I'm hardly in a cheery mood as I watch across the stadium Bianca seated next to Frank, being all chummy.

After the match we all crash a nearby restaurant. When Raylan, his friends and the rest of the football team come in the whole place breaks out in a cheer.

I sigh, thinking about my own misfortune.

A while later, I head to the restroom, more like look for it, since there are no signs leading to it.

Eventually I end up in a corner that looks like there could be a restroom in there, and there it was. Two. Men and Women.

And right in front of the men's room I see Lara tugging at Raylan's arm.

If only the day had started another way, then I would just enjoy watching Raylan getting harassed. But I'm not in that mood.

I go over to them. Grab Raylan's arm and pull it away from Lara. I stand before him, facing Lara, with hands over my waist.

Lara nervously laughs. "Oh, I was just asking him where Tony was."

"He's on his seat," I say, narrowing my eyes.

Nodding and jittering she backs up and leaves.

"What are you doing?"' Raylan says.

I turn around to him. "Couldn't you tell? I was protecting you."

"Really? You think I couldn't handle a girl myself?"

"Apparently you boys can't. I'm sick of girls taking advantage of you guys!"

"Who exactly are you talking about?"

"Frank!" I shout and start to pace. "I mean, even if they are friends, should they really have to sit together at the match?! It's not like he doesn't have any other friends."

The men's room door open. Tony comes out.

"You weren't on your seat?!" I ask him.

"Erm. No. Why?"

Was Lara really just asking Raylan where Tony was and I misunderstood?

No. No. She was acting all nervous. She was up to something.

"Your girlfriend is looking for you," I say.

After he leaves I ask Raylan, "Was she really just asking you where he was?"

"No. You did save me," Raylan says, patting my shoulder. "But maybe Frank doesn't want to be saved," he says smiling.

I stomp on his foot. Crying he takes his arm off my shoulder. "What the fuck? I'm trying to save you too, from embarrassing yourself," he says.

I reach my leg out to wound his other foot, too, but he moves it back on time.

So I kick his shin and head into the girls' room while he swears at me.

Inside, I breathe out. After saving Raylan, as well as taking it out on him, I do feel better. Smiling, I start looking for an empty stall.


Later in the day I'm at a pet shop staring at hamsters. My cousin Nico wants one. I tried to convince him to take one of the kittens at Raylan's house, but Nico wants a hamster.

"This one!" He exclaims next to me.

I look into the cage. The animal looks like any other hamster in here - small, fluffy, cute, and murderous. Something about those pitch black eyes give me the chills.

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