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i'm gonna ATTEMPT some angst

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

y/n pov 12:15 pm

blake had been extremely distant for over a month now, he's been busy with friends, his career and basically had no time for me. i know that this is all important to him but ever since him and the guys blew up even more he's just been distant. we would try to hang out once a week and would always text but now all i get is a good morning and goodnight.

today i decided to go and surprise him, plus it'd be good to see my best friend larry and everyone else. it was about an hour and a half drive, i was already half way there before i realized i didn't even let them know. if anything they would just be recording a vlog or something of the sorts so i doubt they'd mind too much.

time skip 1:30 pm

i decided to go grab some take out for the guys and i, once i was finished with that i arrived at the house. seeing everyone's cars parked, i quickly park and grab my things. i stood and knocked at the door for a minute before nick quickly opens it.

"oh y/n.. hi! what're you doing here?" he scratches the back of his head, clearly nervous

"hey nick! i wanted to surprise yumi! and of course i wanted to see everyone else, is he here?" i ask excitedly

"uhm he actually stepped out! i'll grab larry, here i'll put the food away" he grabs the bags from me and rushes upstairs

i take wipe my dirty shoes off and begin examining the messy large house. everyone most likely in their rooms, i'm sure i saw blake's car outside..

"y/n!" larry shouts excitedly before tackling me with a hug "it's been so long since i seen you! why didn't you text that you were coming?"

"larry! sorry about that i wanted to surprise blake but i guess he isn't home.."

"yeah we haven't seen him all day, we've all been super busy"

"it's okay, no worries i'll just see him once he's back! i'm actually gonna go put my bag down in his room" i begin to walk upstairs

i hear larry mumble something incoherent "wait! y/n i wouldn't do tha-" hes quickly cut off as i open the door

there stood my boyfriend of 3 years rushing to get dressed along with some other girl doing the exact same. my eyes begin tearing up, my stomach dropped. i couldn't even form words, i just stood there in shock.

larry tries to shield my eyes from the disgusting sight, placing my head on his shoulder. i could feel him shouting at blake but my mind couldn't process what he was saying, i just wanted to be away from him.

"y/n wait!" blake shouts after me

"what could you possibly want? you cheated on me! i trusted you, was i not enough for you?" i couldn't stop the tears at this point

"no- y/n it's not that i swear! i'm so sorry"

"you're not sorry.. you are only saying that because i caught you.. i never want to see you again" i quickly leave the house before he could protest 

once i got to my car i couldn't help but sob, eventually larry came to check on me. he tried comforting me the best he could but i just wouldn't stop crying.

"who was she larry" i whimper out

"i- i don't know.. she's been coming over for about two weeks now.. i am so sorry n/n" his voice becoming shaky "i wanted to tell you so bad i just didn't want you to get hurt, i'm so sorry it's all my fault" he rambles obviously ashamed

"it's okay larry, i know that you were just scared" i pull him into a tight, much needed hug

we both sit in silence for a few minutes just trying to process everything that happened. i could barely hear shouts coming from the house, most likely tanner and nick yelling at blake. tanner and larry were close friends and eventually i got pretty close to him as well.

"hey y/n, i'm gonna go grab your bag and pack one for myself too. i'll see if tanner wants to come but i think we should go back home for awhile.."

i nod as he gets out of the car and runs inside, even more yelling is heard from the guys. luckily blake didn't leave the house or the girl he was just with, larry and tanner exited with a bag each and of course mine. tanner shoots me a sympathetic smile and me and larry trade seats so he could drive.

"i'm sorry n/n.. maybe you should nap for a bit" tanner suggests as he gently places his hand on my shoulder

time skip 4:27 pm

eventually i did fall asleep, exhausted from everything that had happened. i woke up in my bed, my eyes sore from sobbing. i decided to go and wash off the now ruined makeup i did earlier, tanner was probably in the guest room as larry was in the kitchen cooking.

"hey n/n! how are you feeling?" he asked feeling a little better

"tired" i mumble as i enter my bathroom, not even daring to look in the mirror

after washing my face i decide to check my phone, alarmed at the amount of messages i'd received.

9+ missed calls from 'babe 🍓'

39+ messages from 'babe 🍓'

4 messages from 'nick 😸'

3 messages from 'isaac..'

deciding to ignore blake and respond to the other guys i quickly check to see what they had each said. nick and isaac both apologizing to me and wishing the best. i type out a short response to them and go sit with larry in the living room.

"the food will be done in a few, and me and tanner will stay as long as you need us" he assures me

i nod and shoot him a small smile as i try to ignore all the mixed emotions i had about the entire day.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

i'll be so real, this was a
struggle to write, i hope it was good


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