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Linda told Zen about the visit and what happened there as he was shocked too after hearing about the audacity of Cluster of planning and assassination of the king and the royal Seven swords with their division commanders.

Soon they all got discharged as their recovery speed is fast and they were aware of something that it was time for the Tournament at the doorknob and the whole nation was excited about it too.

On the other hand, Rey who was going to be whole Show at the Doorknob was actually doing some training for a change as he was aware that they all just got out of the hospital so he didn't wanted himself to be out of shape and make a fool out of himself in front of everyone, when he has to shine.

King in his throne room was sitting on his throne as he was waiting for the reply to come from Derek about the traders as King had asked him to send the report on it as soon as they catch them but there was no message from him whatsoever.

One of the court member of King Came to him and said

' King! The spaceship is ready for you all to take off and we have made contact with the demon King's right hand Lestar, he had told us that the preparations on the planet doorknob are ready. You can leave at whatever time you like and should not wait much for the message from Kalgesh as it will take you time to reach Doorknob and we shouldn't make them wait. '

Marcus realised that the man was right, so he said

' Fine, call all the seven swords to meet at the palace tonight as well as their companions. Also there are multiple invitations that i need you to send.

Send invitation to Both Kine and Tiya as they were the grand finalist and i want to bring them along, also there is one more invitation that i need you to send.

Send an invitation to Lucas's son “Zen”, I want to bring him along too. '

The court man tried to resist his this decision as he said

' King, i can agree with the grand finalists but Zen ? A normal boy, why?

Are you doing pitty on him of some kind ? '

Marcus got mad as he stood up and said

' What are saying ! I was the one to ask him and not out of pitty, i didn't even knew he was Lucas's son when i asked that to him so shut your mouth and do as i say. '

The court man apologised for his insolence and said he was gonna do as the King said as he left.

After this, the court guy sent some men to deliver the letter hand to hand to the person.

Kine was in gym doing training as he received the invitation letter and was glad that was given a chance like that. He told the men around him and they all were glad for him after listening that.

Tiya was at her Farms working with her Parents as she received the letter and just as she read it, she dropped into tears as she was overjoyed after seeing the letter, her parents were really happy for her as she was going to be part of the few who get to see that place and the fight there.

Shin was at the academy as the academy classes have begun again, They have gotten two new classmates in their class and one of them Was Nina as she had scored a great academic score in her weekly tests and was able to manage to get in the same elite class as Zen now.

The other was a guy who was already on quite the top place and just got himself a seat in the elite class but he also used some few connection with Ben which no one knew about. The new guy is Paul, He is a talented guy but is a little Weird at that too.

As the very first day he arrived he started hitting on both Christa and Nina but they both refused his advance, he was seeing both Zen and Ray as his rivals in the class as he was not competing with them in the way of power but rather then that in in the way of being more famous among girls.

Zen was his primary target as he had made an huge impact the very first day of the academy and had shocked almost everyone, So he wanted to show his strength to the girls and being in the physical training period in the auditorium he challenged Zen for a fight.

Zen didn't wanted to right him as he had realised his motive for doing so but Christa and Nina told him to beat the crap out of Paul so again he won't try to hit on them.

Ray was also with them in beating him up as he was mad at Paul for trying to hit on Christa and wanted to beat him up but he was glad that Zen got chance to take his revenge so he encouraged him to beat Paul up.

Zen who was stuck in the mess had to take him on, Maria became the invigilator of the Match as she commenced the fight.

Paul advanced toward Zen but Zen was already ahead of him as he wanted to stop this nonsense right away and get it over with.

So he stepped at left side of Paul and using his right hand he grabbed Paul's face, then Zen using his right leg twisted Paul's left leg and threw him right on the ground head first with force using His right hand which was on Paul's face. 

This all happened in an instant and everyone seeing this was stunned even Maria as she knew Zen was good with combat but he actually has grown splendidly.

Christa and Nina started cheering for Zen as he done a great job and came ogled over him and seeing that Ray was a little jealous and Paul who was on the ground knocked out.

Maria take a look at him and healed his head a bit to make him conscious again, Just as this all was going on a teacher came with the man to Zen as he said

' Zen! This guy has come from the king and says he has a letter that he have to give you.

I told him that i could hand it over it to you myself but he said he was ordered to deliver it by hand. '

Zen and other along Maria and Paul who just came to his sense, they all were surprised as what that could be.

Venda said to Zen after hearing that

' What you being surprised for? Its letter of invitation from king ofcourse, he invited you to the Tournament. Did you forgot already? '

Zen realised it and came forward as he took the Letter off his hand and said thank you to him, The man smiled and went away.

All of his friend came to him and started to look at what the invitation was for, Maria told them that it was a bad thing to look at others letters and she seeing the teacher starring at the Letter too, she yelled at him and told him he needs to do his work.

The teacher got to his work as Zen opened the letter and saw what it said

' Zen! I the king of Ghastle, Marcus lukt, invite you to come along us for the orb wars at the Planet doorknob.

We will be glad to have you with us so make sure to be ready to at 7 pm tonight and come to the royal palace.

We will departure from there.

Warm regards. '

Zen was not shocked at all but he was glad that he got an official invitation from king, on the other hand everyone seeing that letter was freaking out.

They couldn't believe that Zen just got invited to the for the orb wars, they started to question him as how he got the invitation and Zen told them how it all happened.

So they yelled at him more as he had not told them about this even though they all are friend and friends share thing with each other.

Maria seeing them all worked up like that asked what was happening but they all were so excited about this that they gave her no attention.

She went to Zen and snatched the letter off his hand and read it as she was amazed after hearing that too as she congratulated Zen for this and Zen thanked her as Everyone else starred at her.

She seeing their faces asked why they were starring at her like that as they said

' We thought someone said “reading someone else's letter is a bad thing to do” and look at you know Miss. Maria!'

Maria gave Zen back the letter and changed the topic, as they all crunched their teeth in anger. 

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