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Rey arrived at the small gym area where many weights and other things needed for the warm up were present as he was escorted by one of the demons.

There were few more demons there too and the moment Rey landed his eyes on them he realised who they were, those demons were not any other demon.

Those were the general which he have seen Shin fight against, he was a little nervous as they were quite build and their aura was intimidating but he stood his ground in front of them and started his warm up by doing some body exercises first.

Sena was standing aside looking him do it, The demon generals looking at him realised that he was the one who they be seeing going against from one of them and just making a assumption of his strength their eyes turned toward Sena who in her clothes was looking quite stunning to them as one of them approached her and started trying to lay hands on her.

She resisted right away as she forced him back but he was furious about this as he kept doing it which made her rage out as she used her gear and was about to hit him but Rey stopped her as he told the demon to stay away from her.

Demon looked down on Rey as he was tall and was thinking of him as superior too, he said looking down on him

' step aside shit or else ! '

Rey got in rage as he level up his gear to level 2 and seeing him raise his aura, demon general raised his too and his was much more stronger then Rey's but Rey had still more to go but before he went for it in real, someone came in the Gym and said

' Lower your aura, all of you ! '

The demons turned toward him and got scared right away as the demon lowered his aura and apologised.

Rey had not lowered his gear as the voice again said him to do so, Rey turned toward him and the moment he realised it was Lestar he lowered his gear.

Lestar scolded the demon generals for their behaviour and apologised to Rey for their insolence.

Rey behaved himself too as after this he and Sena were the only one left there in the gym as Lestar took them all away with him, Rey went on with his warm up after that.

Everyone else was enjoying the matches sitting in the vip stands as they have provided with some snacks there too, The match was about to start as King asked Something from Kiara

' Kiara! You as a new member of the swords, let me ask something.

What you think, will you be able to win against those monsters in a one on one duel only the ones who you have seen up until now. '

All the ears were toward Kiara as they were waiting for what she was gonna say, She was a little hesitant but she have to give an answer as she replied

' I am not sure king, but i think i will be able to stand my ground and maybe put up a good fight.

The winning or loosing will be decided the moment i set foot in front of any one of them until the moment one of us drops on the ground. '

Everyone liked her answer as it was splendid, this is how a person from the swords should be.

Then king asked the same thing to Kine and Tiya too as being the grand finalists.

They both had their own opinion but were aware of their strength so they said they might not be able to win but will put up a fight for sure.

There answer was great too as well, then the King wanted to ask the same to Zen but was a little hesitant to ask but someone else was curious to know as Jane asked Zen

' What do you think, Zen? Will you be able to stand a chance against any one of them? Though i think you might not b..  '

Zen cut her sentence as he replied right away to her question

' Yeah Sure! I only won't be able to stand against any one of them but i am sure that i will be able to beat them all in a one of one for sure But i am not sure about if they happen to gang up on me. That will be real tight situation for sure. '

Just as they heard him say that, all of them were left stunned as they couldn't make out that he was being for serious of was he joking.

Zen realised he said that out loud as this was just something he started to think right after king had asked Kiara about it and ended up saying it out loud right the moment asked him but now he realised so he tried to make the situation calm as he said with a giggle

' I am just joking around, don't be serious like that! '

They all felt at ease after hearing that and Jane started to laugh as other giggles too, as Jane said

' I was worried about you for a second that you might have brain damage or something. '

Zen also gave a little smile but inside he felt angry as she was mocking him.

The time for the fight arrived as all the fighter who were fighting left the arena and any new fighter didn't entered the arena after that and the Commentator announced it

' So we are going to start the match which you all are waiting for, the match between the pride of us Demons our general Duke and vs the pride of Ghastle member of the seven swords Rey.

Their fight will begin soon, so i request for both the fighter to come in the arena so we should commence the fight. '

The whole crowd filled with demons have started to cheer for Duke the demon general, Soon he arrived in the centre if the arena flying from the sky with his big black wings flashing as he landed right in the centre with a huge impact and the moment he landed he roared a raging roar.

Every demon seeing his entry went insane and they were cheering and screaming out his name, On the other hand King and others seeing his flashy entry were thinking what will happen of Rey.

King asked Shin if Rey will be able to keep up a fight, Shin told King that he will.

King got a reassurance but the others were worried about him, soon he arrived in the arena too but his entry was not flashy or anything as he came in the ring simply walking and the whole demon crowed started booing at him as the moment he stepped inside the arena.

Rey was surely angry but he was concentrated on Duke the demon general now as he wanted to show what he was capable off and more importantly he wanted to show the king and Shin with others as well that he is strong.

Rey have never saw Duke fight so he have no idea about his strength but he was confident in himself that he will be able to win.

Everyone's eyes were on the two of them as the commentator was about to start the match as he spoke

' We will be having a great match again this year as we all look forward to this match everytime it comes, so lets not wait long and so let the match begin.

Get that Sucker Duke!!!! '

Just the moment he said that, Rey and Duke charged at each other as Duke was charging toward Rey from the sky with full speed and Rey was running toward him and they both made their first contact which commenced the fight as they both locked their fists against each other and no one was giving up.

Rey and Duke were putting their whole strength in that one punch as soon Duke's strength took over as Rey had started to get overwhelmed by his power now but He was not giving up either as revert back his fist and jumped right in the air.

Which made Duke go further loosing his balance and taking advantage of the motion, Rey landed a clean and strong hit on Duke's head right in between both of his horns and he got pounded on the ground flat.

This was a moment if great embarrassment for Duke as he was hit like that and was thrown on the ground to lick the dust by a human in front if his whole race.

Every single demon seeing this was disappointed at Duke for being hit like that, on the other hand all from Ghastle in the Vip seats were amazed to see him get a good hit even Shin was praising him from inside.

Rey got over his head after hitting like that and was about to land another hit as Duke was laying there but he forgot who was against at. 

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