Best Friends ↭ Wanda Maximoff

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She always appeared in your room at midnight. Always covered with a robe that covered her body, dressed only in a single piece of lingerie. The deal was simple, sex, and nothing else. She wanted with you something that Vision, and all his knowledge, couldn't give. Something carnal, nothing more. You were best friends, there was no way it could go wrong.

"I hope you don't forget that we are best friends.' Wanda said, looking you in the eye, as she unbuttoned the buttons of her own shirt. 'This is only sex and nothing more. No one will suspect, I swear."

However, you began to realize that you were starting to feel things. You began to feel jealous every time Vision touched Wanda. Any gesture of the android man made you uncomfortable, causing you to leave the room. Natasha, who was like a sister to you, knew everything, she had warned you that playing with Wanda would not work. She said, 'Cinderella doesn't stay after midnight, and you would get hurt.

Wanda looked at herself in the mirror and fixing her hair, you watched her, until she caught your gaze. She smiled and arched her eyebrow.

"What is it?" she asked in your head.

"Even with messy hair, you're beautiful.'" You confessed with a sigh and smiled at her.

Without further explanation, she put on her clothes and left your room.

You knew that at some point you would fall in love. You knew that this game wouldn't work out. Even if at the beginning you were having fun, you knew it. Wanda had the Vision, you were just an overnight adventure for her. You were just quenching her thirst.

"Oh shit. That's it, right there.' Wanda moaned in your ear.

"I love you so much." You confessed, tearing a grunt from Wanda, noticing also that her skin was goosebumps.

There was no conversation in the hallway, no sound of music or things moving. The night was silent, something that didn't happen much in the complex. Even Steve's room was quiet.

As usual, the clock on your wall alarmed silently at midnight, and as if on cue Wanda appeared through your door using magic to open the door. She closed the door as soon as she entered, locked it as she always did, but unlike the other times, she leaned on the door with her head down. You stood up from your desk and approached her, who just raised her hand to keep you from approaching.

"Is everything okay?" You asked, looking at Wanda, who lifted her gaze but not to look at you. "What is it?"

"Natasha." Wanda said and sighed, now raising her gaze to you. "She came to talk to me about what happens between us."

"Wanda..." you tried to say, but she held up her hand.

"I'm not giving you false illusions. It was a game, just sex." Wanda said, moving closer, and held the end of your shirt. "If it's hurting you, tell me now, I won't be upset if we end it all here."

"I..." You felt a lump form in your throat, but you quickly swallowed it and took a deep breath. "I've fallen in love with you."

"I told you to let me know, that I would stop coming." She said looking at her own hand on your shirt, she patted her hand on your chest slowly.

You said nothing, your heart seemed to sink into your chest. Your gaze focused on the wall, you didn't have the courage to look at her now.

"I apologize for making you fall in love with me." Wanda said, pulling away. "It was supposed to be fun, and it was fun." She ran her hands through her hair and looked at you. "You were enjoying it and so was I."

"Tell me, that you love him." You pleaded, feeling tears forming in your eyes.


"Tell me." You moved closer to Wanda, but she pulled away.

"I love him." Wanda looked you in the eye, she was now containing tears in her eyes. "You know." She sighed. "I asked you not to fall in love with me. That I can't leave him."

You brought your hands to Wanda's face, looking into her eyes. Even though tears kept you from looking at her, you tried. You stroked her cheeks with your thumb and kissed her forehead.

"Some say that a warned soldier doesn't die in war, but I was shot." You said, feeling your heart ache in your chest. "I think we'd better stop here."

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