My Lucky ↭ Natasha Romanoff

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It had been years since your breakup with Natasha. As much as people say that time heals everything, it didn't work that way with you. Time had passed you by, and by not seeing her, you had reached the point of losing your mind. Every memory was vivid to you, every place you went you saw her. The memories were hurting you, and they weren't enough either. Memories that make you sick.

It was as if your body needed her, and a part of you believed that she was going through the same thing you were. You couldn't remember exactly how green her eyes were, or what her voice sounded like on a Sunday morning. You couldn't remember what her kiss felt like, or the sound of her laughter. That was your mistake.

You were tired of resorting to memories, you needed her.

You risked dialing Natasha's number, and were not surprised to hear her voicemail. In a way, she could have blocked you, or changed your number. Even deleted your contact. When the message box made the sound that you could record a message, your heart raced. Your mind boggled. Was it risky to leave a message? What did you have to lose?

"Hi Nat, I've been thinking about you. How's your run in Europe?" You confessed and let out a sigh. "You know, they say my superpower is luck, but all my luck I spent finding you. You sat up in bed, and soon relaxed, your body falling back into bed. "I want to confess to you, that today, even if you're not here, the longing makes the days pass slowly."

You looked up at the ceiling, wondering what else you could talk about. Shit. There was so much you could say, why couldn't you find the courage to say it all at once? You then closed your eyes and let your mind flow with memories and images of her.

"I just remembered the time I tried to play guitar for you." Laughing, you remembered Natasha taking the guitar from your hand and sitting on your lap, stopping you from continuing. "As much as I can see your pictures, they don't do justice to you, to your presence..." You felt a lump forming in your throat, your eyes began to fill with tears, sighing you said. "I believe that human beings have not found a cure for broken hearts. And I don't think there is a cure for the insanity of losing you."

Your phone beeped informing you that the voicemail was over. Your heart was a little relieved, but your mind was still confused. You ran your hands over your face, but soon realized something was wrong. You noticed a change in your surroundings, and suddenly your building went silent. Through the window you heard screams.

Jumping out of bed, you ran across your apartment to the building's hallway. In the hallway you noticed dust in the air, there were some people around you screaming. You ran to a child sitting on the floor crying.

"Hey, kid, where's your mom?" You asked in a concerned tone.

The child seemed to want to answer you, but soon her eyes went wide, you didn't understand until you realized that your legs lost their balance. You looked down at them, desperation running through your body as you realized that your legs were turning to dust. Turning away from the child, you braced yourself against the wall until everything suddenly disappeared.


When you came back, in that same hallway, it was different. The paint was different, there were several people in the hallway as well. Everyone was confused about what had happened. The first person who spoke to you was a young woman, who said she was the little girl you saw when you disappeared. She told you about what happened, the so-called blip, and that it had been five years since the event. It didn't make much sense to you, until you tried to get into your apartment. It was locked, and when you forced the door, an old lady opened the door. She was the new owner of the apartment.

Your head began to ache with so much information, until your mind led you to Natasha. You ran down the hallway to the stairs that led to the hall of the apartment. More people were piling into the hall, people you had noticed had returned from the blip. Without a second thought, you ran into the street.

There were several cars, many people, everything looked like a big mess. You came upon a policeman, who seemed to be controlling a crowd of people. The man noticed you, approached you with a look of concern and relief. He saluted you, and soon you dismissed him.

"Officer, what's going on?" You asked.

"Everyone who had disappeared, half the planet, seems to somehow have come back." He said, looking around and gesturing with his hands. " seems that all life has returned."

"I need the key to your vehicle." You ordered and promptly he handed it over.

You thanked him, got into your vehicle, and began to drive around the crowd. On the radio, you heard numerous stations calling for reinforcements to contain crowds, but one caught your attention.

"We need backup at the Avengers compound, copy anyone on the wire." A female voice called over the radio.

You felt your heart race, a terrifying feeling went through your body. Your hands went cold quickly, due to the anxiety that began to fall upon you.

"Captain Y/L/N on the wire, I'm a few minutes from the compound." You said as you picked up the talkie and informed dispatch. "Any casualties?"

"Captain, good to hear your voice again." The woman said. "There are some injured, but we require field agents to investigate what happened."

"I'm on my way." You replied.

You noticed a clear passage in the street and sped up the vehicle. Within 10 minutes, you were at the compound. As soon as you got down, some police officers spotted you and came to meet you.

"Hello everyone, I need 2 in front of me, I am without a gun and vest." You said without looking at the men, as your gaze was on the complex completely destroyed. "2 behind me and the rest I want you to cover, so the snoopers don't come in."

The men did as you ordered, you followed through the rubble of the compound until you saw some avengers gathered around a large rock. You approached and saw Pepper crying beside Tony's body. As soon as Clint saw you, he came out of where he was standing and made his way over to you.

"Y/N." He just said.

"What happened?" you looked around and couldn't find who you wanted. Your heart sank in your chest. "Where is Natasha?" You asked, looking into the face of the man who looked like he wanted to cry. "Clint, where's Natasha?"

"Y/L/N, I'm sorry." Clint said, collapsing into tears.

He tried to move closer, but put your hands up. Your heart felt like it had been stabbed with a knife, breathing became a problem. You heard some policemen calling you, but you walked away. The tears came so fast that you couldn't hold them back.

You lost her twice, the first time was when she decided to leave you to 'protect you'. The second was to bring the world a new chance. There is no cure for a broken heart. In the end, you were left with nothing, but you could never blame luck.

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