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"You wouldn't happen to have any red-tailed hawk feathers lying around on a shelf somewhere, would you Ruth?" Declan said. "Without tail feathers, this bird won't be able to steer, to brake, or to control her flight. We'll need to replace them, so she can be returned to the wild without having to wait around here for normal molting to restore her feathers."

"As a matter of fact," Ruth said, "I do. One of our volunteers at the shelter is an old falconer who has kept a feather bank for his own use for years. He donated it to the center, and he looks after any raptors who come here for care."

"That's incredible," said Declan. "Can you get in touch with him?"

Ruth called her old friend, Chester Glenn. Chester said he could be at the center in a few minutes. The security buzzer sounded about 10 minutes later.

Chester was a grizzled, old codger who had a magical way with fowl. Ruth had seen him work wonders with injured birds many times before. He seemed to have an unlimited reservoir of patience for them and had nurtured many back to health during the course of their friendship.

"Howdy," Chester said to Declan. "Hey, Ruth. Let's see what we got us here."

Chester looked over the damage to the hawk's tail.

"We should be able to imp these broken feathers and fix her up so she can fly again, right nice like," he told the doctors. "Yes, my pretty little vixen. Don't fret. We'll have you soaring again in no time."

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