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"What you got planned for today," Hadley said.

"I had a few things I needed to pick up at Pixies," Maury said. "But other than that, not much of anything."

"Let's take a road trip," Hadley said. "We haven't done that in ages. I want to see if I can find me some really good wind chimes."

"Oh, Hadley," Maury said, "do you think that's wise. You know the old timers believe those things call up spirits."

"Onus could use a good ghost to keep him company," Hadley said. "And I wouldn't mind it either. As long as he or she is the friendly type."

"You're hopeless," Maury said.

"Ain't that the gospel truth," Hadley said.

"You got any leftovers?" Maury asked.

"Girl, you know I always have leftovers," Hadley said.

"Pack us a picnic lunch," Maury said. "I know how you are. You just take any road that hits your fancy."

"I do that," Hadley said, "don't I?"

"Yes, you do," Maury said. "But as long as we've got food and gas in the car, I don't worry too much."

"Oh, yes you do," Hadley said. "I'll bet you sit over in that passenger's seat and pray we don't have engine trouble or a flat tire."

"It never hurts to pray, dear sister," Maury said.

"I'll see you in about 45 minutes," Hadley said.


When she pulled up to Maury's house, her little sister was ready.

"What kind of hat is that?" Hadley asked.

"My new sun hat," Maury said. "Like it?"

Hadley looked at the multicolored mix of gaudy colors on her sister's head. She didn't want to hurt Maury's feelings and tell her it looked like a crayon box had vomited on her head, so she said, "I'll never lose you in a large crowd."

"I like it, too," said Maury. "Got food?"

"Plenty," Hadley said. "And the tank's full."

"Let's go," Maury said. "Got any specific place in mind?"

"Nowhere in particular," Hadley said. "The plan's to have a great time and be back before supper."

They drove through the mountains, ending up near the Kentucky and West Virginia side of the mountains. Hadley just took roads that struck her fancy.

"Where are we?" Maury said, munching on a homemade double-Dutch chocolate chip cookie.

"I have no idea," Hadley said. "But isn't this beautiful country."

"It is," said Maury. "I'm glad you gassed up again a few miles back. You know, I love doing this. You and I have seen so much of this country just by taking off and meandering."

"And I could never find some of those places again if my life depended on it," Hadley said.

They drove on. Hadley twisted and turned down country mountain roads

"This is a pretty rugged place, Hadley," Maury said. "Do you think it's safe for us to be gallivanting around this neck of the woods?"

"We'll try to backtrack and stop at that little town a few miles back. I thought I saw an interesting country store that might have just what I am looking for."

They successfully found their way back to a little town with a small sign that said 'Lelandsville.' When they pulled up to the storefront, two gentlemen walked out.

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