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Dont mind Grace and Abby lmao they're (obviously) not characters in lord of the flies I just made them up on the spot.
Also this is set in the early 80s because why not.
Also I gave Ralph an older brother (age 25) who's the sheriff👍
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The dimly lit room was filled with the eerie sounds of the opening credits for Scream six. The faint hum of the television set was accompanied by the rustling of popcorn bags and the occasional slurp of soda. The air was thick with tension as the two sisters, Grace and Abby, sat on the couch, their eyes glued to the screen.

Grace rolled her eyes in disgust, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Seriously?" she asked, turning to her sister, Abby. "This shit is always the same."

Abby looked at her sister with confusion, her eyes wide and innocent. "Every girl at the start of Scream always dies and then it cuts to the intro. They do it every time," Grace snapped angrily, her voice rising in frustration. "It's so predictable," she spat out, her lips curling in disgust.

Abby began to grow tired of her sister's angry ranting. "I liked the Scream movies," she said, refusing to look at her sister.

"Yeah, some greasy kid who kills," Grace scoffed, waving a dismissive hand at her sister.

Abby's eyes widened in disbelief. "It's not just that! It's got a deeper meaning than that! It's about a teenager who just...snaps," she said, her voice trailing off to a whisper.

Grace rolled her eyes and began to ramble on about how nobody cared about some teenager, but Abby drowned out her sister's words. She could feel the anger boiling inside her, consuming her very being.

Suddenly, Abby snapped. "Will you just shut the fuck up!" she cursed, pulling out a swift, sharp blade that rested next to her on the couch. In one swift motion, she plunged the knife into her sister's gut.

Grace paused, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at her sister, and then at the dark red blood oozing out of her stomach. "Why...?" she choked out, her voice suffocating with blood.

"Why?" Abby repeated her sister's question, her eyes dark and filled with malice. "Why!?" she yelled, ripping the knife out of Grace's stomach. "Why!?" she repeated, plunging the knife deep into her sister's stomach once again. "Killers never have a motive," Abby said, watching the life drain out of her sister's eyes.

"Now shut up and watch the movie," she said, her voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

The screen faded to black, and the ominous music for Scream seven began to play. The room was silent, save for the sound of the television set. Simon turned to his blond friend Ralph, confusion etched on his face.

"I don't get it," he said.

Ralph sighed, his eyes still glued to the screen. "Basically, Scream seven is an introduction to Scream six," he explained.

Simon nodded hesitantly, his eyes still fixed on the screen. "As much as I would love to watch this movie with you, I really have to go," he said, standing up "you know, we have school in the morning,"

"Oh, alright. Bye, dude," Ralph said, his attention still focused on the television set.

As Simon left the room, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. The memory of Abby's cold, emotionless voice and the sound of the knife plunging into her sister's stomach haunted him, sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't wait to get out of there and that movie, away from the creeping feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

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The sun blazed fiercely in the sky, casting its blinding rays upon the world below. The air was thick and humid, suffocating those who dared to venture outside. From within the confines of a small, weather-beaten house, emerged two figures. They were messy-haired, blond twins, their footsteps heavy against the scorching pavement as they stepped out into the sweltering heat. Slamming the door behind them, they exchanged a look of mutual discomfort.

"It's way too hot to be out in this weather, ain't it Sam?" Eric grumbled, using the back of his hand to wipe away the perspiration that dripped from his forehead.

Sam nodded in agreement, the collar of his shirt damp with sweat. "Yeah, they should shut 'em schools down!" he exclaimed, running a hand through his tangled mop of hair.

"Sam, Eric!" Their conversation was interrupted by a voice calling out from behind them. They turned in unison, their eyes falling upon a figure in the distance. It was Simon.

"Oh, ello there Simon!" Sam chirped, nudging his twin in the stomach. Eric scowled at the gesture, swatting Sam's elbow away.

"What are you doing?" Eric asked, a smile spreading across his face. "He's obviously walking to school, idiot," Sam retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Um, yeah. Can I walk with you guys?" Simon asked, his foot tapping impatiently against the pavement.

"Well, sure buddy!" the twins said in unison, falling into step with Simon.

As they walked, the heat only seemed to intensify. The air was thick and oppressive, clinging to their skin and clothes like a suffocating veil.

"So Si, why ain't ya walking with Ralph?" Sam asked, peering at Simon curiously.

Eric turned to look at Simon, his interest piqued. "Yeah, why's that?" he echoed.

"He watched Scream seven last night, and I already know he's gonna be talking about it all day. I don't wanna hear about it," Simon grumbled, shrugging his shoulders.

Sam's eyes lit up at the mention of the movie. "Ooohhhh, me and Eric watched that movie. It was gruesome," he added, a grin spreading across his face.

As the twins prattled on about the movie, Simon groaned inwardly. This was exactly what he had been hoping to avoid.

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Rory stood tall, his broad shoulders squared as he adjusted the collar of his sheriff uniform. His fingers moved with precision, ensuring that every inch of fabric was perfectly in place. The crisp sound of the stiff material echoed in the small room, almost like a symphony of order.

As he made his way towards the staircase, he let out a deep sigh. He could feel the weight of his responsibilities settling on his shoulders, heavy like a thick blanket on a cold winter's night.

"Ralph! Are you ready?" he called out, his voice ringing through the house.

The silence that followed was deafening, until finally, a muffled reply came from upstairs. "Yes, doofus!"

Rory couldn't help but roll his eyes at his younger brother's choice of words. He knew that Ralph liked to tease him, but there was a hint of affection in the nickname that took the sting out of it.

"Come on! We gotta go! I gotta drive you to school!" Rory urged, his impatience growing as the minutes ticked by.

Ralph bounded down the stairs, his energy palpable. He playfully nudged his older brother, a mischievous grin on his face. "Come on, doofus," he said, the teasing tone in his voice making it clear that he was in good spirits.

Rory couldn't help but chuckle at Ralph's antics. The sound echoed off the walls, adding to the already lively atmosphere. He reached for his keys, feeling the cool metal in his hand. They dangled from his fingers, a symbol of his authority and power.

The brothers made their way out of the house and into the bright sunlight. The warmth of the sun's rays hit their skin, and the fresh scent of spring filled their nostrils. It was a new day, full of possibilities and potential. And Rory knew that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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