Chapter 36: Caught Red Handed

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Mr. Umari patrolled the halls of the hospital dressed as a patient. He kept his head down and mask on, but so far, no one had been suspicious. Everyone was too involved in the search for his daughter.

He wasn't worried about Sayaka remembering his face, especially not if it was in passing. The only reason Boutarou recognized him was because he heard his voice and looked into his eyes. That, and his way of fighting was the exact same as the way he taught.

Whoever accessed the security cameras froze them. Either the influence of Oushirou, or someone from the other side. Whoever kidnapped his daughter wasn't getting off easy.

In that moment, he noticed Boutarou heading towards the stairs. He thought to reach out and talk to him, but a staff member was passing by on the other side. They wouldn't be able to have a decent conversation. So he decided to follow him instead.

He climbed each step as discretely as possible, making sure that Boutarou wouldn't suspect anything. It cost him time, but he seemed like he was heading for the rooftop regardless.

Once he made it to the top, he opened the door and squinted from the bright light of the orange sun shining straight through his long shaggy hair. A few patients gathered by the front of the gate to watch the sunset. But he didn't see Boutarou among them.

It wasn't until he turned to his left that he understood why.

Boutarou was sitting behind his daughter, a downcast look on his face. He muttered something Mr. Umari couldn't make out. And then proceeded to gently coax her into his arms, settling around her, holding her raven head to his chest.

His daughter practically melted. She relaxed against him, and silent tears began to drip over her eyes, down her cheeks and into his shirt.

Boutarou only pulled her closer. It wasn't a tight hug, but one that looked secure and safe. One that he could never offer.

His heart panged as he watched from the sidelines, Sayaka's unblinking form hesitantly confirming Boutarou's existence around her.

"You stayed in the same spot," Boutarou murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. "Either way... I would have found you."

As he slowly let go, Sayaka turned to face him. Her gaze drifted from the ground up and into his eyes. And with the most lovesick look Mr. Umari had ever seen, he watched as Boutarou leaned forward and gently touched his lips to hers.

He had to blink a few times to confirm that what he was seeing was accurate. To his knowledge, Boutarou still hadn't told her how he felt. But that kind of kiss... Mr. Umari knew it well.

It was short and sweet and used to confirm one's presence as real. Just long enough to leave a lingering numbness that came with touching ones lips to another. Just long enough to take someone out of a shocked state and return them to the real world.

And when he backed away and their eyes met again, this time, Sayaka's silent tears turned into childish sobs. Her lip trembled at first, a whimper escaped her throat, and then she was wrapped around his neck, crying into his shoulder.

He could see Boutarou's sorrowful contorted face that hid itself in her hair. The way his hand easily cradled her head told him they were more than just comfortable with each other.

And to further his assumption, Sayaka looked up from crying to ball the front of his shirt into fists and pulled him down into a much more passionate kiss. They had people's attention because she was crying so loudly. And now they were kissing without a care in the world. And his daughter was the one that started it.

Mr. Umari had to shield his eyes to keep himself from marching over and strangling Boutarou. But he knew it wasn't his place to interfere... Boutarou had done his job and protected his daughter, even if she did have to go though surgery. He even confessed to her, likely before all of this happened. And yet he still went to get their evidence at the risk of his own life.

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