Jock Sukuna x bookworm reader

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note: its pretty stereotypical.

Third person's POV

The library is supposed to be your sanctuary. 

It's supposed to be where you can go and be with the books, spending time picking out the perfect one before settling down in a chair to see what new adventure awaits you within the pages. But he's here again. 

The pinkhead who thinks it's fun to pick on you.

 It's no secret that people at school are constantly calling him a freak, so he obviously knows what it's like to be teased and picked on. So why does he do it to you?

The paperback in your hands is pretty small, but that doesn't stop you from trying to hide your face behind it, hoping sukuna doesn't notice you. But you know it didn't work when you hear the chair on the opposite side of the table from you being pulled back and someone drops down into it.

"Hey, bookworm."

Taking a moment to close your eyes and take a deep breath behind the cover of the book, you lower it and give Eddie the most unfriendly smile you can manage.


"Don't call me that," he says, wrinkling up his nose.

"Don't call me bookworm," you retort.

"It's not a bad thing," he says.

You ignore him and go back to reading. Well, pretending to read anyway, but really waiting for him to get up and leave.

"Whatcha reading?"

Slowly, you lower the book down enough where you can peer over the side of it where it clearly shows the title.

"Little Women," you answer anyway.

"So, like, girls?"


"What's it about?"

"Sukuna" you say with a sigh. You lower the book down and slide your bookmark into the page you left off on. "What do you want?"

He leans back in his seat and frowns at you as he laces his fingers behind his head.

"To know what your book is about," he says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"No," you say with a shake of your head. "What do you really want?"

The bell rings and you don't give him time to answer your question before your things are back in your backpack and you're out the door.

Luckily, you don't see sukuna the rest of the day. The next day, you're not as lucky. As you're getting the books you need out of your locker, you see him coming down the hall out of the corner of your eye. Hurrying so he doesn't have the chance to come and tease you, you swap out your things and clutch what you need to your chest. You hardly make sure your locker is properly closed before you're turning away and walking quickly down the hallway, hoping he won't spot you.

When you step into your French class, you finally release the breath you've been holding in your chest. Head down so no one else will notice you, you open your French notebook and turn it to a clean page for the start of class.

Someone drops down in the seat next to you, but you don't look their way until you feel them leaning into your personal space. You're shocked when gojo satoru is there, so close to you, an easy smile on his lips.

"Hey, smart girl."

You'd bet good money he's calling you that because he doesn't know your real name.

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