"The new Na'vi" #3

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 ~Hi i might slow down with posting sorry :P~

~bad spelling

                                                                           ~Third person perspective~

Its been a few days and  aounung feel like neteyam is ignoring him he  havnt seen him in a while. so he decided to go looking for him so he starts circling the waters on his ilu with no sight of him in the water.  he eventually gave up on the water and decided to go to the last place he saw him.  he walked back to the back of the island where all the trees and grass is. "Neteyam!" "Neteyaaaamm" Aounung called out into the wilderness. He heard no response but decided to keep looking around. He finally found neteyam siting below a tree holding a necklace of some sort. "Neteyam there you are!" Aounung said sitting down next to him." "oh hi Aounung" neteyam said he wasnt paying much attention to him he seemed very focused on his neckless. "Are you okay i feel like you have been ignoring me" Aoung said leaning closer. "im fine" neteyam said still paying little attention to the conversation. "whatcha doing?" Aounung said trying to see what he was doing. "Its just a neckless tuk asked me to make it out of a shell she found on the beach." neteyam said lifting his hands showing it to Aounung. "Its really cool you made it by yourself? Aounung asked sounding actually interested. "yeah my siblings make me make jewelry for them all the time." neteyam said lowering his arms. "well i can see why they want you to make them stuff your really good at it!" Aounung said.

                                                                      ~Neteyams perspective~

when Aounung complimented me on my jewelry i got that feeling in my stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling but its weird i have never felt this way for anyone let alone a boy. I got kinda awkward after he said that, actually i have been award since they day i feel aslep on him . He ks like he forgot but i dont think he did. After that night i was tom embarrassed to face him well that is until he found me. "oh uhm thanks" i said shakely. "Hey are you sure your okay you didnt come to dinner the last two nights." Aoung said it sounded aas if he cared witch made me feel that weird feeling again. I looked up at him in surprise and we locked eyes for what felt like forever. I dont know how long i had been staring at him until he said "Your staring at me again" he said giggling. I turned away swiftly. ''Neteyamm!" i heard tuk screaming my name she didn't sound to far away but i didn't want her to find this place. i dont know why id dint want her to know about it but its the only place i can be alone. "ah i should go bye" i said standing up and swiftly walking away. I found tuk waiting by the sand. "finally did you finish it!?" she said jumping up and down. "yeah here!". i said bending down to give it to her.

                                                       ~Aounungs prespective~

As neteyam ran off to find tuk I sat there alone. I don't know why I feel different about him then my other friends. Its weird whenever I'm around him i always feel awkward and i always get butterflies in my stomach. He isn't rude and doesn't make me uncomfortable  infact he's incredibly kind. And he cares for his siblings but he makes me feel all warm when hes around i dont not like the feeling but i dont understand why its there. It was already getting dark so i decided to head back to the village as to not miss dinner. I was helping my mother and sister carry some fish to the fire when i saw neteyam and lo'ak clearly fighting. I couldn't here about what but at one point neteyam screamed and stormed off. I finished brining everything for dinner and everyone gathered to eat. I looked around but neteyam was no where to be seen. Its the fourth night in a row that he has missed dinner and i felt genuinely worried so i decided to grab some fish for myself because i was still hungry but wanted to find neteyam. I was looking around the last place i had seen him but i couldn't find him. I knew immediately where he was so i headed to the back of the island. Just as i had guessed i found him curled up under the tree he's always at. "Neteyam?" i said slowly sitting down on my knees next to him. He looked up at me and emidiatly turned away and started wiping his face. "are you okay" i said inching a little closer. "no." he said turning back at me. His eyes were all read and his cheeks were full of tears. "what happend are you okay?!" i said as i cusped his hands in mine. "me and lo'ak got into a fight and i just got mad and stormed off" he said sadly. I'm not the best with this kind of stuff but i just gave him a hug thats what makes my sister feel better. He wrapped his arms around me and quitly sobbed. "im sorry, do you want to talk about it?" i said "no not really" as he pulled away. "are you coming to dinner at least?" i was worried he hadn't been eating. "no. I don't want to face lo'ak right now." he said rubbing his forehead. "well i brought some fish if you'd like some" as i grabbed a few fish wrapped in a leaf reaching them out to him. "that would be nice" he said smiling. We sat there for like 2 hours just talking until it had gone dark. "we should head back its getting late." i said standing up "yeah we should". We both walked back and parted ways to our pods for the night.

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