Part 1 - Just the start

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Jaelyn's POV:
          Im so tired. Im so bored. I just got home from school. I always come home before mom and dad comes home before me.

But when I entered the house I saw dad, cheating. Dad was cheating on mom!!

The woman had straight blonde hair, blue eyes, as well as clear skin. She was about 5'8ft tall and she was beautiful.

My mother was the complete opposite to her. Mom had thick curly brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles. Mom was about 5'5ft tall and wasnt as beautiful as her.

I screamed

hoping to get a clear answer for he's actions infront of me.

Dad and the woman turned, the woman got up trying to put her clothes on while dad didn't seem to have a care in the world.

                                    "Ha ha oh don't worry                          sweetie come back over here "
Said my sickening father. And the woman did as told.

" WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING RIGHT NOW?!" saying seeing he knows what hes doing.

" Oh don't be stupid. You see and know exactly what im doing. You know about sex and shit. I saw those magazines you used to read."

He said staring deep into my soul. With an anger tone in he's voice. He's just sickening.

I didn't know how to reply to him. All I know is that I hate him. Not even that, I dispise him.

" I don't even reconise you anymore.."

I said with tears in my eyes. I was about to cry..

But he looked amused.

" Oh calm yourself please and don't you dare start crying In front of Lexi, my girlfriend, my new wife "

Once he said those words my whole life came crashing down. New wife?

So new family too. I don't know what to do or what to even say.

I want to curl up into a ball and just cry, but boys don't cry dad taught me this.

" You know what Jaelyn? Just go to your room. Speak of this to anyone especially your mother  I will beat the absolutely crap out of your ass you got that?"

He said waiting for a clear answer.

" Yes. Yes sir "
I said leaving to go upstairs slowly and quietly hoping my real mother would come..

but she didn't.

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