Part 6 - The attack plan

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* 2 days after Sean hit Lexi *

Lexis POV:

Sean, he left for the bar a hour ago.

My arm is in pain, bad pain. Like its broken but not.

I needed to get back at him. I needed too, he treats me like shit.

I wanted to kill him. I really did.

What should I do tho? I didnt even have that down yet. Maybe a plan.

I called my friend Rhea. I only called her because shes the only one who knows about Seans abuse towards me and Jaelyn.

" Hey Rhea.."

" Oh hey Lexi! Whats wrong? Is it about Sean or something again?"

" Kind of."

" Oh? "

" I need your help with something. I want to kill Sean. "

"..Lexi.. How would you get away with it.."

" Thats why I need your help. I need you to help me get away with it."

" Nope Nope no way Im not-"

" Pls Rhea.. your the only one who knows about Seans abuse towards me. And knows how to get away with murder. You've done it.."

"That is in the past! You're doing somethinf completely different. I had a reason, why else would I be in witness protection."

"Rhe.. Just help me please. We'll never speak of this again. Like you said "its in the past" "

"Fine. What are we doing?"

" I was thinking, poisoning?"

" How the fuck are we going to poison your husband?"

" Search up different poisons I dont know. Oh fuck."


" Sean.. hes home. I got to go.. I'll talk to you later."

" Um okay bye.. i'll look ul the stuff for you.."

" Thank you bye! "

Rheas POV:

Lexi hung up. Now Im scared. I seriously dont even know what Lexi is even planning to do.

I dont want to help with a murder.. not again atleast..

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