Chapter 160: The Meaning Of Power! Alpha V.s. The Black And White Siblings!

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Alpha stepped over dead soldiers on the battlefield as he saw Do-Schneida and Deva-Magi running in the distant. "The time has come." Alpha said as he swirled around his weapons. "Godly Blitzkrieg!" He then blitzed up to them. Deva-Magi and Do-Schneida then felt both there faces being pushed away from each others by a hand as they was sent flying far off. Alpha then stood and held up his hands in the air as his weapons fell in his hands and he chuckled. "DEARLY OLD CHECKERS BROTHERS! YOU'RE FINAL ADVERSARY HAS ARRIVED." He said maniacally. Do-Schneida stood up in bruises as he looked at ahead. "Deva-Magi! BROTHER!" Do-Schneida said in concern. Deva-Magi stood up suddenly. "If we can't make it out alive without a fight then so be it. Who are you?" Deva-Magi asked. "Hm. Who am I a man may ask. Who I am is not more than a vigilante, a masked man, a man of whom will bring order back to this wretched world where disorder is of normality." Alpha said as he placed the weapons on his back. "FREE-CELL!" Alpha said. Deva-Magi's and Do-Schneida's eyes widened. "TWOHANDED INFERNO! JUDGEMENT FURIOUSITY!" Two massive inferno blasted to the left and right, as they were mountainous destroying everything in the distance. 

The light brightened the already early morning as Daquando held Darquenisuz upright. Miles was breathing heavily as he looked ahead at the barren land left with the body of Tyrese lying before him. Myomoto slammed his sword into Inferness' s burning wings as the air cracked. Myomoto then blasted off Inferness far away. "The problem with you people is that you think that you think this is the world 5 hundred years ago. This world is even worse and there's absolutely no one that will take down the plans that the takers have for this abominable world." Myomoto smiled as he looked at Inferness in the distant. Joe was out cold as Myomoto began to walk up to him. Joe then fell in a breach as he saw Crotch Digger an Drake looking at him. Matato looked at him decisively. Myomoto then grinned menacingly as his sword coated Kaiyo-Yo. "My leader is already gone, plus your captain's down. There's no need for us to continue this fight." Myomoto said. "Eh. What if we could still end you here?" Drake said. "Don't think that would be a great move." Myomoto said as Black-beast, Xox and Omni-worm was right behind him. "End this now....Captain Miles needs our help." Zukomaka said as he spat blood. "Furthermore...That is no one else's opponent. Except mine." He ended. Myomoto chuckled. "That's right. Sword Stealer." Myomoto said. "Zukomaka!" Inferness said as she flew over to him in blood (Zukomaka). 

"I think somethings wrong with Miles." Daquando said. Drake and Matato rushed over to Miles. Miles body was full of veins as his eyes was closed and his body was on steam. "Damn it. Miles exerted too much power and was trying to suppress it, now it took its toll." Matato said. "How would that happen? I thought he was a Zion. Incapable of such fates." Daquando said. "You're wrong kid, though you're technically right. Zions are without a doubt the most powerful beings on the face of the planet, yet there power poses danger on a multitude level, such that if they were to ever suppress it, it would in turn affect the individuals own body." Drake said. "Ugh?" Daquando said in confusion. "To sum it up. If Miles never suppressed his power, this whole island would disappear in rubbles of the face of the planet without a trace and the people out by the sea on the ship , probably the wave would have caught up to them and wreck the ginormous ship drowning them, it would be a mass genocide." Inferness said as she walked up. "I wasn't even thinking about them." Daquando said. "I know, and that's the responsibilities a Zion have to think about whilst using his power at any time, as to not create inescapable casualties beyond redemption." Inferness said. "So what now then?" Daquando asked. "The world government was taken care of and the Vermillion clan is gone, the Deva-Schneida forces was taken down and reduced to nothing so what we need to do now is figure out one more thing." Inferness said. "What's that?" Daquando asked. "Who is that person commanding these takers, who is under that mask?" Inferness asked. "For real...That masked dude was commanding Omni-Worm and Agneya, and I know commanding Agneya isn't an easy feat." Matato said. "I wasn't even penetrating him for real. All this time I never thought at about it." Zukomaka said as he sat in the snow.  Darquenisuz looked ahead as he looked on Myomoto and his group heading towards where Alpha and the checkers brothers are fighting. "The energy, I think I sensed that energy before." Darquenisuz said. "Ugh?" Daquando surprised. "Like a few months back. I can't remember who it was." Darquenisuz said. "It's...It's true." Daquando said. "I am just now feeling it, but it's familiar." Daquando said as he looked ahead.

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