Chapter 186: Re-Group! A Massive Fight! Fhelizee Is Confronted Head-On!

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Fhelizee sprinted ahead as she ran pass the opening of the iron laboratory. Floater shrunk himself back into his normal size as he walked out to the entrance of the guild. 


Trixy gained back consciousness as she saw Chelsey over her. "Hi Bitch!" Chelsey said as she slammed her foot against her chest to the wall. Trixy was tied up around her belly unable to move her hands. "You should kill me." Trixy said arrogantly with a smirk. "What does that mean?" Chelsey asked angrily. "You see with us.....The Ultimate Damage. We don't lose easily. Whatever happens here. Would have been in vain if you don't take this hint that I give, because we won't falter to a few losses. We'll come twice as hard. Then you will end up like the Black Sky Guild." Trixy said as she smiled and panted. "Yeah, I heard about the black sky. They were half-assed avengers on the wrong side of the legacy that some old fool left, Mother Aligaabre. Both opponents fought for what they thought were right, whilst simply failing to see that this country failed ages ago." She ended. "Hmhmmm.....Take it as you see fit, doesn't mean y'all still ain't worried insane about the possible outcome of our little interactions here." Trixy grinned. Chelsey kicked her in her face. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She kicked her repeatedly as bruises took the face of Trixy. 


"All I need to do now is take this piece of shit brat to Alpha." Floater said. "Our plan worked." Crabby said as he looked down on Wallow Road. Polyvakshmi leaped down from the top as landed right to the side of Floater and Crabby. "It seems they were weak as hell." Polyvakshmi said. Foxman, Malachi and Tinber was in the lowest part of the guild leading from the pole straight down that separated the two other floors. "Hey guys it's time you came out. We defeated our enemies." Polyvakshmi said on an earpiece. "Tinber's eyes opened. "Let's go." He said. Fhelizee reached out to the entrance as she was furious. "GET OUT OF MY WAAAAYYYY!!!" She snapped as she blasted off Crabby and Floater. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" They shouted. "WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!! ALPHAAAAAAAAAA!?" She shouted out. Darquenisuz eyes was barely opened as he rolled over on his belly as he panted. "What the hell....Is happening now?" He thought. She then took up Daquando by the neck and held up in the air.  "WHEREVER YOU AREEEE! COME FACE ME RIGHT NOW! OR ELSE YOUR NEPHEW DIES RIGHT HEEEERE!" She shouted out. "No need to kill the poor boy now, he's already dying yeah?" A voice said. 


Fhelizee looked ahead as dust blew as she saw a person in the distance. "Ugh?" Floater and Crabby looked ahead. Fhelizee looked ahead in rage. "That......That......That is one of the great elders of Lion Castle.......Pi-Chorus." Floater said. 

"And who are you?" Fhelizee asked in surprise. "I am......Just an old man whom people gave a title." Pi-Chorus said as the wind blew his cape in the air. 

Fhelizee then dropped Daquando in the dirt and blitzed up towards Pi-Chorus as her hands coated in fiery blades. She then tried swinging off his head. Pi-Chorus effortlessly blocked, coated his hands in Kaiyo-yo and gripped her arms and kicked her in her belly massively. "GOD STRENGTH!" The earth behind her shattered as wind blew up and her eyes casted and the fiery blades disappeared. He then swung her around and flung her off back towards the others. "Now I'm going to say this once." He started as she rolled over in the dirt as dust blew up. Floater and Crabby looked ahead in surprise as they looked nervous too. "He...He used the dragon king like a rag doll." Floater said. "I...I SAW!" Crabby said. 

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