Chapter 8-Off the docks

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TW: mentions of rape and period stuff

Y/n's POV:
My eyes widen in shock. But, maybe it's another author by the name of Lila. I looked on the back of the book and sure enough her face was on the back. Now I was curious.

I started reading it for an hour and it was just a whole bunch of bullshit! The book is filled with twisted shit. Like he raped his victims before killing them! Or that he would go after little kids as well! The book was just filled with nonsense and nothing but lies! I bet that bitch made millions off of this shit. I have to go show bob.

I walked around the boat until I saw him outside looking at the waves. I snuck behind him and gave him a tap on the shoulder. He turned around a gave me a weak smile, god do I really want to show him this? Does he want to know about the lies Lila shared to the world? He has a right to know..
"Whacha got there darlin'?"
I held up the book so he could see.
"Oh I didn't know that they had my book here."
Wait he knew about the book? Has he even read it?
"Can you tell me about it?"
I asked, I wanted to know if he knew the things that Lila wrote.
"Well after my third year in prison I was going to get interviewed by a psychiatrist, and sure enough Lila interviewed me. She asked me all these questions and I answered them truthfully. But I don't really know what she wrote, but she did tell me she was going to write a book about me."
I told him the things she wrote and I could tell he was getting pissed, so I stoped rambling.
"So she made me seem even more like a monster,great."
He said sounding more sad than angry.
I rested my hand on his shoulder and rested my head on his arm.
"Well I know it's not true, I know you'd do nothing like that."
He responded by wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Thank you darlin"
We stayed there for a bit while looking at the distant waves. I felt so bad for him at this moment. Sure he wasn't a good guy but he didn't kill nor rape children. He's a murderer not a rapest. He saved me from getting raped after all.

~time skip~

We sailed for another 6 days, with a few stops just for Otto to get some sleep. Me and Bob stayed in our separate beds,even though I secretly wanted to sleep next to him I never showed it. We got off on a nicer dock than we did when we got on the boat. Otto told us that we've stoped in Germany,his country. I was super excited if I'm being honest I've never been out of the country before. Otto had a pick up truck waiting for us and we road along the country side side for about 10 minutes before we made it to a run down house, better not be any rats.

I guess I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover because inside wasn't even all that bad. It had a stable kitchen,a living room with a small box Tv and it had two bedrooms. Otto showed us two our room, it wasn't as nice as the boats bedroom. This one only had one bed and it was in the middle of the room. I let out a deep sigh and asked Otto were the bathroom was.
"Right down the hallway sweetheart!"
I thanked him for the directions and made my way to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and felt something drip down my leg. I felt my eyes widen and I put my fingers (yk where) and my fingers were covered in blood, fuck. I whipped the blood I already had all over me, I'm going to need some pads or tampons. I called Bobs name and sure enough we were faced to face in the door way, oh my god this is going to be embarrassing.
"Bob..can you run to the store and get some...period..stuff?"
I said while covering my face.
He looked at me confused until a light bulb lit up above his head.
"Oh..oh! Yea sure I'll just ask Otto where the nearest drug store is."
He told me as he walked off.

I was sitting in the bathroom for like 25 minutes trying my best not to bleed everywhere. Not to mention I was wearing the same clothes I have been in for a week, just not underwear since I'm not wearing underwear for a week. Just as I felt blood run down my leg I heard a knock on the door.
"Darlin' I got you sum..uh things..I wasn't sure what to I got a variety"
He said while speaking through the door.
I opened the door and took the bag he had. There was different size pads and tampons,chocolate,chips,and a underwear pack. I jumped and gave Bob a hug, he held onto me tightly. When he put me down he said he got another bag with Advil and a heating pad. I smiled at him and started to get changed and put on a  (p/p) and stepped out. Once I got out I heard wheezing, it almost sounded like a kettle. When I went to see what the sound was it was Otto sitting on the couch laughing his ass off to Tom & Jerry. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him taking a bag of chips from the bag.

A few moments later Bob opened the front door with another bag.
"Whacha got there bob?"
I asked.
"I thought I'd get some clothes for you and me"
I thanked him and went to go change.

"So how long until we can apply for citizenship?"
Bob asked.
Otto just laughed.

"8 years!"

Sorry if anything I wrote was a sensitive topic.

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