Chapter 1: Ice Princess

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*Ring ring buzz ring ring buzz*

"Elan, wake up!" a voice sounded through the wall, causing the girl to groan in sleepy irritation.

"Grrrgh," she slammed on the screen of her phone, trying to shut off the annoyance of her alarm. The screaming of the alarm telling her to wake up for the new day finally ended as she sat up properly to turn it off.

"Good morning to you too, Lia!" she called back to her friend through the wall.

"Yeah yeah, we gotta hurry! We have to get the shop ready to open in an hour!" Lia screamed back.

"Oh crap," Elan quickly scrambled out of her warm white duvet and slipped on her fluffy house shoes, running quickly to the bathroom to get ready.

Though Elan wasn't a big fan of waking up so early, something about the refreshing feeling of washing her face and brushing her teeth to start a new day made her feel energized. She took her time to put her makeup on delicately and intricately. Her beautiful purple eyes shone brightly with the light glitter and liner making them pop.

She carefully curled her long white hair and pinned it in a sophisticated bun to make sure it wouldn't fall in her face.

"Elan, we have to go soon. Hurry, please!" Lia exclaimed.

"Okay, okay!" Elan quickly adjusted her white blouse with her tan dress pants.

"Jeez, I get it. You're basically a fairy tale princess, but you would think with the help of your magical animal companions, you'd get ready faster," Lia chuckled as Elan opened the bathroom door.

"Oh, be quiet. You took just as long as I did." Elan laughed, lightly hitting Lia's shoulder.

They quickly ran outside of their apartment and made their way next door to a building with a large sign shining on the front.

'Belle Journee'

They quickly ran into the cozy little cafe decorated in French cottagecore-themed furniture.

The wooden tables were decorated with beautiful white and gold-accented decor such as vases and chairs. The large windows shined on the green and white flowers that decorated the small shop. The ordering area was open with a large window of desserts and a variety of machines and flavorings for the soon-to-be-made coffee.

Both girls quickly set out the baked goods in the window and got ready to open up the shop.

As the first customers walked in, Elan and Lia greeted them with warm smiles and took their orders. Elan's passion for baking was evident in the delicate pastries and desserts she had prepared for the day, and Lia's expertise in coffee-making ensured that each cup was brewed to perfection. Throughout the day, the cafe was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of happy chatter.

"Excuse me," a customer said, approaching the counter. "I couldn't help but notice your unique appearance. You're quite striking."

Elan smiled politely. "Thank you."

"And yet, there's something cold about you," the customer added. "As if you're unapproachable."

Elan's smile faded. "I'm sorry if I come across that way. I'm just focused on running the cafe and making sure everything is running smoothly."

The customer nodded. "I understand. It's just that I've never seen someone with such a striking appearance and emotionless demeanor before."

Elan took a deep breath, trying to remain professional. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

The customer shook their head. "No, that's all. Thank you."

Elan watched as they left, feeling a bit frustrated. She was always aware of her unique appearance would sometimes scare off people or bring in weird interactions like these. It was the main reason why she was so weary about opening up the cafe', especially in homogenous place like Korea.

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