Mr.Bad's radio

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Music blasted throughout the empty gym as the sound of fists hitting the bag echoed through the training room, a rhythmic thud that filled the air. 

Jungkook had been training hard for the upcoming MMA fight. He spent most of his time in the training room, pushing his limits and trying to improve his technique.

The room was filled with various equipment that he used for his training. From heavy punching bags to speed bags and grappling dummies, Jungkook had everything he needed to prepare for the fight. The walls were lined with mirrors, allowing him to check his form and make adjustments as needed.

Jungkook was focused and determined as he worked through his routine. His movements were precise and controlled, showing the dedication he had to his craft. He was sweating profusely, his muscles working hard as he pushed through each set.

"Yo, JK!" someone screamed but Jungkook could barely hear over the loud speaker.

"I know you hear me brat!" An older male exclaimed as he hit Jungkook's head.

"Ouch! Hyung!"

"Don't Hyung me. You know damn well you could hear me. If you ignore me again I'm locking the gym until you gain some manners" the older threatened.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi Hyung." Jungkook quickly bowed and continued to practice.

"Hey, I heard what happened last night." Yoongi said as he watch the younger.

"And?" Jungkook said not stopping what he was doing.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh? Plus, your little fiasco was hard to clean up this morning. Hoseok been running around town making sure you and that poor girl don't end up on a dispatch article." Yoongi sighed.

Truthfully, Jungkook felt a tinge of guilt for making that girl upset but for the most part he was glad the date was over. He asked Hoseok multiple times to stop setting him up on blind dates but the elder couldn't leave it alone.

"She was prudish and I didn't want to be there. Hoseok Hyung kinda deserve to run around since I've asked him countless of times to leave me out of his dates." Jungkook said matter of factly

"I don't know what's gotten into you but I'm not really liking this new JK" Yoongi sighed tapping the boy's shoulder.

"I don't know what either of you are talking about.I've always been like this."

Yoongi tsked," You've always been about your craft but never to this extent. I get you want to beat Tae but -"

"It's more than that Hyung and you know that! He's always a step ahead of me. I need to be prepared."

Yoongi nodded in understanding. "I get it, JK. But don't let that drive you to become someone you're not. You're still young and you need to enjoy life too, not just focus on fighting all the time." Jungkook paused for a moment and sighed.

"I'm not becoming anything other than myself. You guys just want me to be the happy kid I was before but I'm not."

Yoongi's reaction to Jungkook's response is one of disappointment, concern and frustration but he knew Jungkook had to figure his way out of this rut on his own.

"Fine, if that's how you really feel, I'll leave it be but I truly think you should apologize to ol' girl. She didn't deserve it." Jungkook sighed and turned his music up louder causing the older to give up and leave the boy to his own devices.


Hoseok felt terrible about what had happened on Jungkook's date with Lia and Elan. He knew that Jungkook wasn't always the easiest person to get along with, especially when he was under a lot of pressure, but he had no idea that things would turn out the way they did. Hoseok felt responsible for what had happened, as he had been the one to set Jungkook up on the date in the first place.

Feeling guilty, Hoseok decided to go to Lia and Elan's cafe to apologize to them personally. When he arrived, he was greeted by Lia, who was surprised to see him.

"Hey, Hoseok. What brings you here?" she asked.

Hoseok took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "I came to apologize for what happened on Jungkook's date with you and Elan. I know he can be difficult sometimes, but he's been under a lot of stress lately and it's been affecting his behavior."

Lia's expression softened as she listened to Hoseok's explanation. "I understand. It's not easy to deal with that kind of pressure. But still, what happened was really upsetting. We were really looking forward to the date, and it was really disappointing when things didn't go well."

Hoseok nodded, feeling even more guilty. "I know, and I'm really sorry about that. I promise I'll talk to Jungkook and make sure he apologizes too. He didn't mean to hurt you guys."

Elan came from the kitchen with a slight look of annoyance and surprise to see Hoseok and Lia chatting.

"Oh hey Elan, like I was telling Lia-"

"I heard everything, no need for you to apologize again. I appreciate your apology but it's not you who should apologize. You were nothing but kind to us and I'm more than grateful for your kindness." Elan interupted.

Hoseok looked her in awe and broke into a smile," You're really an interesting girl. Thank you so much for finding me kind. I hope we could be friends despite the unfortunate event."

"Of course!" Lia exclaimed but quickly calmed down as she looked towards Elan.

"I'll think about after you become a regular here" Elan said with a slight smirk spread across her face causing the other two to follow suit.


As Hoseok walked back home for the day, he couldn't help but feel both relieved and concerned. He knew that his friend Jungkook was going through a tough time, but he was also frustrated with him. Despite Hoseok's efforts to help Jungkook for months by setting him up on dates and encouraging him to socialize, Jungkook seemed to be pushing him away.

Hoseok thought about how difficult it must be for Jungkook to be under so much pressure. He knew that Jungkook was training hard for his upcoming MMA fight, and he understood how important it was to him. However, he also knew that Jungkook was taking it too far. Jungkook's obsession with beating Taehyung was becoming unhealthy, and it was affecting his relationships with those around him.

Hoseok was puzzled by Jungkook's strange behavior towards Taehyung. Although he knew that Taehyung was someone Jungkook could never beat, he never expected Jungkook to act this way over a match. It was strange to him, and he wondered if Jungkook's frustration with Taehyung was actually about something else entirely.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was still in the gym, pounding away at the heavy bag with loud music blaring in his ears. He was trying to silence the voice in his head that kept telling him he wasn't good enough. Although he knew he was being too hard on himself, he couldn't help it. He wanted to be the best and prove to everyone that he was worthy of their respect.

"I really hate you but somehow I could still teach you some more"

Jungkook found himself lost in thought as he listened to the lyrics of the song he was singing to himself.

The words resonated with him deeply, taking him back to his school days. He was reminded of how naive he was back then and how he has since grown and matured. He realized that he had become so focused on his training and his desire to beat Taehyung that he had lost sight of the things that really mattered in life.

Despite this growth, there was still one person who seemed to get under his skin no matter how much he tried to move on - Tae. Perhaps if he was more honest with himself about his feelings, he wouldn't feel so conflicted every time Tae's name was mentioned. However, he was stubborn and couldn't bring himself to admit the truth. He wondered if his obsession with beating Taehyung was actually a cover for his true feelings.

As he sat there lost in thought, he realized that all he had left was this match and his radio.

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