Mr. Bad

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The days passed by, and Elan and Lia found themselves settling into a routine. They woke up early, opened the cafe, served their customers, and closed up shop. It was hard work, but they loved every bit of it.

Elan had put Lia's attempts at setting her up on blind dates in the back of her mind until one day, Lia came bursting into their apartment with a huge smile on her face.

"Elan, you won't believe it," Lia exclaimed. "I just got a call from Hoseok and JK finally found time to have the date."

"Oh yippie, Mr.Popular finally made time for little ol' me. I'm elated." Elan said sarcastically.

"Don't be like that Elan. I'm sure you're gonna love him. He's very handsome, kind, and hella loaded."

"Loaded? Is looks and money all you care about?" Elan laughed.

Lia pouted,"Of course not but it is important."

Elan couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lia's obsession with finding her the perfect man. She wasn't sure if she was ready to date again after her last relationship ended in disaster, but Lia's excitement was contagious.

"Fine, I'll go on the date," Elan said with a sigh. "But if he's not my type, that's it. No more blind dates."

Lia grinned. "Deal. But I have a good feeling about this one. Trust me."

The day of the date arrived, and Elan found herself getting more nervous as the hours passed. Lia had insisted on picking out her outfit and doing her hair and makeup, which only added to her anxiety.

"Why do I have to wear such a low-cut dress?" Elan huffed as she tried to pull the top of her dress to cover her chest.

"You need to look modern and attractive. You're always wearing old milkmaid dresses, and we're going somewhere very fancy," Lia replied, zipping up her best friend's beautiful gown.

As they arrived at the restaurant, Elan's heart pounded in her chest. It was a gorgeous place with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. The host quickly led them to a quiet corner of the restaurant after Lia informed them of their reservation under Jung Hoseok's name.

Both Lia and Elan's hearts beat quickly as they noticed two men already sitting at the table. Hoseok quickly stood up and nudged the man beside him to do the same. He greeted the two nervous girls as they sat in their respective seats across from them.

"I'm so glad you two beautiful ladies were able to come on such short notice," Hoseok said with a charming smile.

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine. This place is only a few minutes away from the cafe." Lia said returning a similar smile. Elan could only smile slightly as she sat awkwardly as the two conversed happily.

"Where are my manners?" Hoseok cleared his throat. "This is Jungkook, my best friend," he said, gesturing towards him.

Elan finally gave the man a proper look. He was breathtakingly handsome, more than she would like to admit. His well-built body was draped in a silk like black button up and gold. He looked exactly what Elan imagined an 'Important' person would look like but unfortunately, his pretty face was decorated with fresh wounds and cuts. Even his delicate hands were wrapped.

Elan couldn't help but stare at Jungkook's injuries. She wondered what kind of work he was in that could possibly cause such damage. She opened her mouth to ask, but Lia shot her a warning look that told her not to bring it up. Elan sighed inwardly and tried to focus on the conversation, but her curiosity continued to gnaw at her.

"This is my best friend Elan, she the owner of the cafe' you visited the other day." Lia said.

Elan extended her hand out to Jungkook and his rough hands met her's with a firm grip. They both smiled a bit uncomfortably.

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