Cheers To A Good Guy

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Hoseok had always been a regular at the cafe, but lately, he had started coming in more frequently. It was hard not to notice him - tall, with an infectious smile and a personality that lit up the room. Elan and Lia, who worked at the cafe, quickly became familiar with him and struck up conversations with him whenever he came in.

As the days went by, Hoseok's visits to the cafe became more frequent. Elan and Lia learned that he liked dancing outside of being JK's manager and often practiced at a nearby studio. He would come to the cafe to unwind after a long day of work, and the two baristas were happy to chat with him and hear about his experiences.

Before long, Hoseok became a regular fixture at the cafe. He would often come in during his breaks and sit at the bar, sipping on a cup of coffee and chatting with Elan and Lia. They quickly became good friends, sharing stories and jokes over lattes and pastries.

"Now that I think about it, isn't around that time of year for our homie to come home soon?" Lia said teasingly while wiping down the pastry window.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Elan rolled her eyes playfully as Hoseok who decided to help the close for the evening looked at them both confused.

"Homie?" he quirked his eyebrow

"Elan's first love" Lia cooed and Hoseok followed suit.

"Stop, I told you it wasn't like that. We were all close and one day he just kissed me-"

"Then he disappeared only to come back once a year durning the fall until the new year" Lia said dreamingly causing Elan to gag.

Hoseok laugh," So you're telling me, he just confessed and disappeared as the clocked stroked 12? Who is he cinderella?"

Elan laughed, "I guess you could say that. He's a good guy though, just not the one for me." She shrugged and continued wiping down the counters.

"I think he's a total tool and womanizer but she's right. He was a pretty good friend to us, just a sucky lover" Lia tsked.

"Aren't all good looking men like that?" Hoseok laughed and Lia hit his shoulder.

"You aren't" she chuckled

"How do you know if I am or not?" he teased earning another slap on the shoulder.

As they continued to joke around, Hoseok's phone rang. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was JK. "Hey, sorry guys, I gotta take this," he said apologetically before answering the call and walking outside. Elan and Lia exchanged a knowing look - they had seen Hoseok's devotion to his work before. But they also knew that he always made time for his friends, even if it was just for a quick chat at the cafe.

"Hey darling~" Hoseok chimed over the phone.

"Where have you been going to every night? The apartment is empty without your annoying screaming" Jungkook snorted.

"Hey! I do not scream. How dare you call my beautiful vocals screaming?" Hoseok huffed playfully," Actually I've been hanging out with Lia and Elan"

"Who?" Jungkook asked

"Lia...the girl I've been telling you I like a lot and her best friend who threw wine on you." Hoseok sighed.

"Right. Of course you'd ditch me for a prude girl cause you have a thing for her best friend" Hoseok could hear his friend's pout through the phone causing him to sigh.

"Actually if you got to know Elan, you wouldn't be saying what you are now. Also did you forget that you were the one who disrespected her first?" Hoseok said irritated

"I know..."Jungkook voice trailed off

"Look, I know you're really busy and that you're not in the mood for anymore date but-" Hoseok was quickly stopped in his tracks as a familiar face walked past him to go inside of the cafe'

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