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Thunder cracked loudly outside as a thunderstorm neared the castle.

The skies were beginning to turn a dark gray color as the clouds thickened and the first droplets of rain turned from a gentle shower, to a heavy downpour.

Mario leaned against a windowsill and stared out at the castle yard ever since the first raindrops began to fall. They had picked up their pace quickly and began pounding against the glass, creating an effect that almost seemed to calm him.

It was the evening of October 30th. Halloween was nearing, and Mario was struggling to keep himself together.

All his friends had gathered together in the castle foyer with foldable tables and chairs, setting up large amounts of food, board games, and even a hand-drawn Ouija Board by Boopkins. The hand drawn board though, wasn't giving the results Boopkins and Bob were shooting for and quickly gave up on using it.

Mario, however, just sat by the windowsill at the other end of the Foyer, just staring out at the yard of the castle grounds, ignoring all his friends enjoying their time.

He wanted nothing to do with Halloween this year, because the previous year, he was convinced that the night brought bad luck, as he was robbed at knifepoint, his house got broken into, and him and some of his friends got into a huge argument, which luckily got resolved the next day.

He didn't want anything like this to happen again, so he decided it would be best to not participate in the Halloween events.

"Everything will be fine this year. I just have to stay calm and with the right people," Mario told himself meekly.

A flash of lightning reached the window, giving Mario a full view of the now darkened castle grounds.

They were soaked with fresh rainwater, and even thought he saw shadows moving amongst the bushes in the distance. One of them looking like a cloaked figure, visible for just a fraction of a second.

He blamed it on his tired eyes after jumping a bit, and rubbed them, forgetting the face paint he had on. He quickly pulled his hands away to see some black face paint staining his white painted hands.

His gaze turned from his hands to the window again to view his reflection instead of looking out.

He was dressed as a vampire for this Halloween. Black and red cloak, white face, black bags around his eyes, the whole spectrum.

His face paint was beginning to wrinkle in some areas, that made him look old and wise, but the black "bags" on his eyes were beginning to fade because of him touching it, but none of this was on the list of things he wanted to begin with.

All he wanted was to be in his room, safe and sound, maybe even having the company of a friend nearby to help keep him calm.

"Hey, Mario! You coming over here?" A familiar voice called out to him. Feminine in nature.

Mario looked to the window, knowing who it was, to see the reflection of her wearing a Witch's costume. Her skin was painted green, and her hair dyed black. A fake mole was on her face next to her nose as well.

She looked amazing. Like a real Witch.
But something didn't feel right. He couldn't put his mind to it, but just seeing his friend dressed up for Halloween bothered him.

He knew it was selfish to not let his friends have fun, but he couldn't shake the feeling nonetheless.

His friend seemed to take notice at his demeanor, and began approaching him, her own face beginning to fill with concern, the face paint and look not matching her facial expression whatsoever.

SMG4: Halloween 2021 [Reimagined] (2023)Where stories live. Discover now