chapter one: upper moon 4

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A white-haired female was running through the town and she was looking for something and the female sighed. A young boy ran beside the female and they stopped as two demons appeared and in there eyes it read upper four and the female went wide-eyed. "Rengoku you are a demon" spoke the female and a yellow to red haired demon smiled and looked at the female "yeah I am" spoke the demon. 

The young boy went wide-eyed and sighed "you betrayed us why you always had a heart of gold every younger slayer looked up to you rengoku" spoke the white-haired female and rengoku smiled. "Betrayed is a strong word and calling me a traitor won't help" spoke rengoku and the white-haired female sighed and requested back up and pulled both blades out.

The young boy and his friends pulled the swords out and looked at the demons. "You will always be in my memory as a hashira a good person helping others a kind heart and as you say to others set your heart ablaze" spoke the white-haired female and rengoku went wide-eyed as some memorious flashed in his head and he remember everything and he sighed. They all got into a fight and the white-haired female clashed with rengoku "uzui thank you" spoke rengoku and uzui nodded. 

They continued to fight and uzui was cut in the eye and two demons surrounded her and she saw and realized they were a part of a blood demon art. Uzui fought with rengoku and the clones for a while getting more injures and another demon slayer showed up helping them and the demon retreated as the demon slayer checked on everyone. Uzui and the others heard a scream and they headed to where the scream came from. They saw upper moon four torturing a child and uzui interrupted them and "sound breathing first form: roar" whispered uzui as uzui raised her swords above her head and slamed them down to the ground and explosion appears heading towards the demons and hits the demons. 

The battled the upper moons for hours and it started to be daybreak and they fought them until they retreated because of the sun coming up. A boy looks at uzui "i'm fine tanjiro" spoke uzui and tanjiro the boy nodded. They left and returned and went to the butterfly estate and uzui reported the mission to the boss. Uzui was sitting on a bed in the infirmary room, and she sighed as she took her medicine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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