forget and dont forgive

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y/n got off board from the boat looking at the place she once called home...
she was going to take back her home,the l/n clan
will rise again as it originally was before she was born...
she walked towards the streets smelling all the spices that was put into the food
she then passes something that caught her eye..
a set of weapons but one cought her eyes

a set of weapons but one cought her eyes

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y/n's POV
beautiful.. maybe i should buy them?
no i shouldnt... but it wouldn't hurt right?
well only to those who try to fight me!
heh maybe i get gon something
i then looked to pair of weapons


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as i bought them a man kept staring at me..
man:excuse me ma'am i see that you liked the weapons but did you also know it comes with an outfit..well more like a skirt like thing...

y/n:oh well sure how much is it?

man:Oh dont worry it's on me i just want to get rid of some stuff im closing due to the sir d/n

y/n:what will he do? it's not like he owns this island

man:well..he dose now, his daughter ran away and now he's even know ruthless than before, oh poor child must've bin in pain being with that monster.. d/n..

y/n:oh..well now she's out of that horrible place right?..

man:such a sweet young you remind me of rosario..that's the girl that ran away from d/n, he looks so different from ruthless. it brings shame to this clan... oh i havent told you my name right? i'm miguel l/n and my wife is mary l/n

y/n:both your last names are l/n!?

miguel:yes we are as soon as we marry someone with the last name l/n we have to change it to l/n i miss my family very much,once you come to this land you can never leave..well unless your a hunter of course!

y/n:oh thank god i passes the exam PHEW

miguel: you took the hunter exam to come here??

y/n:no i took the exam to help my brother find his dad..heh

miguel:oh..wait have you found a place to stay? if not then we have plenty of space

y/n:Really?? but i thought there was a hotel nearby?

miguel: they are using it for auctions of egyptian artifacts..only the strongest go there

y/n:what do you mean strongest? do they fight or something?

miguel: yes

first i'll go to the auction then meet d/n and take back the l/n clan from that bitch


IK THIS ISNT MUCH BUT now you might get the idea what's going to happen next

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