Letters from the Manor

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Anyways, while Scorpius was off to school at Hogwarts. Eliza is at home with Nana Malfoy. Hermione and Draco were at work at the Ministry. Life seemed to be as casual as ever.

Then on one spring day, Hermione decided to try and scavenge through the attic to try and find things that could be cleared out.

She had been up there before, a few times to swap the summer suits with the winter coats. But this time, she found something different in a box left surrounded by Draco's old childhood toys and books.

A short stack of papers that seemed to be ripped pages out of a journal. Most of them seemed to be daily entries of a certain person's life. And the others were seen as letters, love letters that were still installed into the envelopes. Addressed to a condo in Liverpool, from the Manor.

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