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Naway's p.o.v
I stood there trying my best not to cry as I looked at both my parents and my brother. ''I will miss you guys so much'' I smile sadly as I look at them. ''I know my daughter, and we will miss you too but this will be the most amazing opportunity for us all'' my father smiles at me.

''Oel ngati kameie'' I do the sign of respect to the three of them with a sad smile on my face. ''Oel ngati kameie daughter'' my father signs back with a smile making me feel joy. ''Oel ngati kameie sister'' my brother does the same. ''Oel ngati kameie daughter'' my mother smiles just as sadly as me.

''I love you guys'' I say hugging them one last time. ''We love you too'' my father smiles as he pats his heart in a sign of respect. ''Come on Naway'' Toruk smiles as he leads me over to my ikran Azay. I look back to my family one last time before connecting my que with Azay and mounting her.

The three of us take off and I can hear the horns in the background signifying our leave from the clan. I wipe my tears still trying to remain strong as Neteyam snd Toruk Makto are ahead of me. I don't really mind that much though. I liked the peace and quiet back here.

As eclipse approached I found it hard to stay awake. I was very tired and we had been flying from the time the sun went up until it was gone. ''Just a little longer girl'' I whispered patting Azay's head to calm her nerves. You could tell we were further away from my home because now it was just all forest. ''Are you okay'' Neteyam asked flying next to me. ''Yes just tired is all'' I smile shyly as I look down to azay's Saddle finding it a lot more interesting.

''We are just about there, then you can sleep'' he says in a soft tone. ''Thank you'' I look up at him and smile. He smiles back before flying back up to the front with his father. I sigh softly as I look ahead and see floating mountains within the sky. ''Where are we?'' I ask just loud enough for them to hear me. ''The hallelujah mountains'' Toruk chuckles as we get closer.

We fly into a cave opening within one of the mountains and land our ikrans. I look around and I'm startled by what I see after I dismount from Azay. ''What is this'' I ask a bit scared and surprised. There are sky people everywhere and demons that look like us. Neteyam and Toruk Makto follow my sight before looking back to me. ''This is now our home'' Toruk sighs. ''Ever since the sky people have come back we have to hide away and we have to steal from them, do not worry these people here are good people'' he reassures me.

''Come on, I will show you to our tent'' Neteyam says grabbing my hand and dragging me away while another navi tended to our ikran. When we make it to our tent I look around with a slight smile, it reminds me of home at least. The only difference is instead of mine and my families things it is Neteyam's things and a there is one mat for both him and I to sleep on.

I am startled from the sound of someone behind me so I turn to look and it is a sky person with blue stripes painted on him. He's wearing some weird contraption on his face. My tail whips back and forth while I look at him in pure curiosity. ''Neteyam you're finally back'' the strange sky person smiles walking past me and walking over to Neteyam.

I hunch over and touch his pale little leg and pull my hand away quickly as he jumps. I hiss from being scared while my tail continues to flick back and forth. ''Hey what was that for?'' They sky person asks while Neteyam tries not to laugh at him. ''He speaks Navi?'' I look at Neteyam with a shocked face.

''I'm literally right here'' the strange boy sighs making Neteyam chuckle. ''Yes he does'' Neteyam smiles in amusement. ''Spider this is Naway my....mate'' he said hesitantly. ''Naway this is spider'' get adds on. ''Why is his name spider?'' I say as I poke him again making him hiss at me. Is he trying to play fight? I think he is. My tail continues to flick intensely before I pounce on him making him fall back.

''Ahhh what the hell'' The spider boy yells. ''I win'' I cheer as I look up to Neteyam who is laughing at this. ''Neteyam get her off of me bro'' spider boy huffs up at him. ''Come on Naway'' Neteyam says still chuckling. I climb off of him. Surprisingly this boy wasn't as small as I pictured the sky people to be but he wasnt as big either.

I was probably a foot taller than him. ''Naway here are your things'' Toruk Makto says walking in with my small sack. ''Irayo, Toruk Makto'' I bow my head in respect. ''Rutxe, call me Jake'' he smiles at me. ''Irayo, Jake'' I correct myself and smile at him. ''No problem'' he smiles back setting down my stuff. ''Spider come on Lo'ak needs you'' Toruk-I mean Jake tells the boy. ''Bye Neteyam and Naway'' spider waves before walking out of the tent.

''I have only heard stories about the sky people from my father, this is my first time ever seeing one in my life'' I say as I put my sack to the side and look around the dimly lit tent. ''Well, you'll get used to seeing them. They are the good ones'' he says shrugging. I nod my head pursing my lips before laying on the mat comfortably. ''I'm so tired'' I say softly as I can finally feel the adrenaline wearing off of me.

''We can go to sleep now'' he says in a soft voice. The light completely goes away as he closes the opening and he lays down beside me. ''Neteyam'' I whisper. ''Yes?'' He questions. ''I'm cold'' I mumble as my eyes close. He wraps his arms around me so I turn and snuggle into the warmth that his body is radiating.

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